by kikpo » Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:29 pm
I changed the column cnt_minutes expression (section: HoldemTournament Tournament) from
and I used it to make custom stat to show tourney duration. The new stat shows more accurate time in minutes (like 3.2 min).
However, in a tournament with two hands, time is counted from the beginning of the first hand to the beginning of the second hand, losing the duration of last hand. The same with one hand tournament, where duration would be 0.
So we need add average length of the one hand to the column expression:
(date_subtract_sec[tourney_holdem_results.date_end,tourney_holdem_results.date_start]/60) + "average length of hand"
Obviously length of the hand should be in minutes with decimals: 15 sec will be 0.25, 1 min 06 sec will be 1.1 etc.
I recommend use it for players play very short tourneys.