HUD disappears on STARS tables

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HUD disappears on STARS tables

Postby LaidBackAl » Sun May 04, 2008 2:40 am

Not sure if you guys are aware of it or not, but the HUD is disappearing at times on Stars on me. It doesn't completely disappear on all tables. It will usually only do it on one table, and at first a couple of the players HUD disappears until it slowly all disappears for that table. I do one of two things to get it back....I start and restart the HUD, or I go into configuration statistics on the table and just click on "apply" (without changing a thing) and the HUD pops back up. I can't find a patter on why it is happening, but it is happening quite a bit.
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Re: HUD disappears on STARS tables

Postby APerfect10 » Sun May 04, 2008 12:04 pm

Yes, we are aware of this issue in Beta 10 and are working on a resolution for Beta 11.

Best regards,

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