Feature Request #3: Make HUD Lock Optional Rather Than Auto

Let us know what features not currently in the PT4 should be added.

Moderators: WhiteRider, kraada, Flag_Hippo, morny, Moderators

Re: Feature Request #3: Make HUD Lock Optional Rather Than A

Postby Fox128 » Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:56 am

I just can't see why holding CTRL is such a problem for you people, that's all. sry.
I'm not saying they shouldn't listen to you. If there are so many ppl complaining as you say... (not sure how many of them actually KNOW about the CTRL thing though?)
They could certainly include an option for this (like an "unlock-mode"), personally I don't care.
Just saying that the pokertracker team is doing great work here and very busy and should focus on more important things first.
Doing such good work with PT4 and they still got an ear for us costumers. You really gotta respect that.

And yes I can elaborate why it's a great feature for me:
- no accidental moving of stats
- right clicking can be and is used for new features now
- holding CTRL unlocks stats, so I see no downsides (you can still move groups really fast, just like before)

Also @ mrjorisa: If it's true that there is no good global positioning for stats for you ("HUD ends up blocking stuff"). Here is an idea:
You could just dublicate your HUD profile and rename it/them (as many as you need) and position the stats properly so it matches with your number of tables open, save & lock.
This way you can easily switch between profiles while adding/removing tables and won't even have to bother with unlocking ever again.

ps.: I didn't log off.
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Re: Feature Request #3: Make HUD Lock Optional Rather Than A

Postby TrustySam » Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:07 am

Fox128 wrote:And yes I can elaborate why it's a great feature for me:
- no accidental moving of stats
- right clicking can be and is used for new features now

So if you weren't using right-clicking for anything else before, then how is it you were managing to accidentally move stats? :/

It's a key question, because since this is only happening to you, you're forcing the rest of us to all have to adjust and be inconvenienced to accommodate you.

I do agree that the PT team is wasting their time ... on features that nobody wants or needs except those rare few.

Personally I think it would have made PT more marketable if they had spent their energy making the ICM calculator more like SNG Wizard, with push/fold recommendations, rather than wasting time on 'idiot-proofing' measures like this annoying lock that most people don't need ... just because they could do it and it was easy.

The SNG Wizard goes for like $99 as a stand-alone ... they should be focusing their energies on people who are interested in harnassing the power of software to maximize their edge, rather than focusing their energies on the people with the abstruse problems like accidentally moving something that only responds to right-clicks (when nothing else does), because then they could charge more for add-ons.

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Re: Feature Request #3: Make HUD Lock Optional Rather Than A

Postby TrustySam » Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:14 am

Well, my computer's saying that you were logged on when I posted, but that after I posted you logged off again.

If you're there and you want me to wait for your response, can you let me know in the next 5 minutes? Otherwise I'm going to log off and I'll check in again tomorrow. Thank you for following through with a response - I do appreciate that ...
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Re: Feature Request #3: Make HUD Lock Optional Rather Than A

Postby Fox128 » Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:24 am

TrustySam wrote:So if you weren't using right-clicking for anything else before, then how is it you were managing to accidentally move stats? :/

Of course it didn't happen a lot to me. But sometimes you rightclick player's avatars etc. or just slip off. My HUD uses lots of tablegroups, so on the smallest table size it uses up a lot of space. There are also tons of ppl that use additional scripts that use rightclicking btw.
Also right clicking is now used for other features.

It's a key question, because since this is only happening to you, you're forcing the rest of us to all have to adjust and be inconvenienced to accommodate you.

...since this is only happening to me? lol. I hope you are joking on this one.
Did you read what kraada and StevenM said at all!?

Also: I'm not forcing anything on anyone, I'm just a common user with an opinion. lol.

I do agree that the PT team is wasting their time ...

You can't agree with me, because that's clearly not what I said. You are terribly wrong here.

Maybe there is some unimportant stuff, yes. But I can see that it was a good strategy to implement lot's of fancy stuff right at the beginning. Fancy stuff was like the only thing HM had on their side. So much for the marketing aspect.

I would hate to have to pay for lot's of add-ons btw.
Stand-alone stuff sometimes is expensive for a reason and it takes a lot of resources and time to properly implement things like SNG Wizard or Flopzilla or whatever.

Right now there is just more important stuff than implementing something especially as small as this. It looks like ppl are appearently too lazy to hold ctrl (In like 100 sentences you still did not answer my question on this btw). Why is it a problem to hold CTRL for YOU? Maybe rightclicking isn't used for anything by you - but it's certainly by others. CTRL on the other hand... u know. Omg, also it's a key everyone can blindly find on the keyboard.

There are still a few bugs, compatibilty problems, performance and speed boost improvements are still made here and there, a few stats still need tweaking/implementation,...!
Also ZOOM was launched so all efforts were going into it recently.
Things like that are the 1st priority for obvious reasons.
You seem to forget that this is still a BETA version.

Personally I think they should just make a (or some) good long tutorial video(s) pre official release.
(often times it goes like: A: question blablabla. mod: "you can already do that by..." A: "Oh thx! I didn't know that".)

Ps: This is not a chat, this is a board. Sometimes you have to wait for days to get an answer.
I'm just a normal user and write here when I come around and want to. You really should relax a bit..
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Re: Feature Request #3: Make HUD Lock Optional Rather Than A

Postby TrustySam » Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:05 am

Well all the information you've now just provided is important if accurate, true and descriptive of the performance issues of a majority of users.

I just don't see why you didn't start out with that info in the first place if what you said was true and your primary motivation was concern for making PT the most user-friendly for all users. You kind of lost credibility by saying you never logged out when you obviously did, and then bend over backwards to try and find ways to be disagreeable.

It would stand to reason that a disagreeable person would want PT to bend over backwards for him and keep a feature that nobody else wants except for him, and a couple of other people who keep screwing up, kind of to make like inconvenient for everybody else. Make everybody else jump through hoops rather than want to see other peoples' lives made easier sort of a deal :/

Ooooh I see you logged on again to hang onto my every word - thought you said you were to important to wait around for me ... eyeroll ...
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Re: Feature Request #3: Make HUD Lock Optional Rather Than A

Postby Fox128 » Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:52 am

TrustySam wrote:Well all the information you've now just provided is important if accurate, true and descriptive of the performance issues of a majority of users.

I just don't see why you didn't start out with that info in the first place if what you said was true and your primary motivation was concern for making PT the most user-friendly for all users. You kind of lost credibility by saying you never logged out when you obviously did, and then bend over backwards to try and find ways to be disagreeable.

I didn't start out with that because I thought it was obvious.
The reason I posted in this thread at all was because of the fact you made it look like the moderators are wrong and PT team not repsonsive to feedback which is pretty far from true imo.

Also I thought of and provided a possible solution to the masstablers out there that REALLY are bothered with holding CTRL, which I can absolutely understand.
(you, on the other hand, still have not clearly stated why holding CTRL is a problem for you yet.)

And no, I really didn't log out. I have no idea why it would say so (10 minutes inactivity!?)... Wtf so you judge ppls credibity by things like that? Ok... Whatever... What reason would I have to lie to you about such a thing in the first place!?

And yes, I want PT to be user friendly. Would be a shame if they put so much effort into it and nobody would buy their product, don't you think?
I also try to help by pointing out flaws and sending in crash-logs etc.
Of course, I'm a customer myself, so I also want to benefit from PT4.

It would stand to reason that a disagreeable person would want PT to bend over backwards for him and keep a feature that nobody else wants except for him, and a couple of other people who keep screwing up, kind of to make like inconvenient for everybody else. Make everybody else jump through hoops rather than want to see other peoples' lives made easier sort of a deal :/

Think for a second. Why would they say, that the general feedback is positive towards the lock feature? Are you indicating they're lying? And why would you think I'm the only one that likes it? You still say things like "except for you" etc. Because you don't see threads saying "thanks for this great feature" ot what? Lol.
Well usually threads are created when ppl complain/have requests/questions etc.:
Usually this is NOT the case when ppl are already entirely satisfied with existing working stuff.
Sometimes no public feedback weights more than 5 ppl complaining.

Ooooh I see you logged on again to hang onto my every word - thought you said you were to important to wait around for me ... eyeroll ...

Man it's getting ugly.
I never said I was too important. You lay words in my mouth again. It just isn't like I'm observing this thread 24/7 and you cannot expect immediate answers on a board like this.
That said, I'm pretty much through with this thread. Everything I had to say on topic has been said. You either accept what the mods and I tried to explain to you or you don't.
Also you seem to be taking this to a personal level and I have no intention on getting into this sort of thing. >_>
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Re: Feature Request #3: Make HUD Lock Optional Rather Than A

Postby kydechuk01 » Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:51 am

TrustySam wrote:I think this is important though in that I really do think making the lock/unlock feature optional rather than automatic would make PT4 better. Because so far the feedback for this feature has been for 4 to ask for it be changed, with 3 of us calling it outright "annoying" (KuPoB_K, PartyAnimal, mrjorisa, trustysam - me), and only one person saying said they like it (kydechuk01).

Dude, LOL! Where did I wrote something about I liked the Automatic Lock feature?! I used to PT3-style hud moving and dont like PT4-style locked HUD at all, so I'm vote for the option to have it Locked/Unlocked by user's choice.
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Re: Feature Request #3: Make HUD Lock Optional Rather Than A

Postby StevenM » Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:59 pm

StevenM wrote:
TrustySam wrote:
Like if it's optional, then everybody winds up happy. If it remains automatic, some people are happy and the rest of us will be annoyed.

With all due respect, we politely disagree with you. We do not intend to make an unlocked profile an optional choice, we are positive that the control key modifier is the perfect middle ground that can address all user's needs.

The PokerTracker development and interface design teams make every design decision within the application knowing that we are going to create a feature that appeals to the majority of users, but we also except that there will always be a minority that dislikes the feature. Unlocked HUDs are a major source of customer support complaints, we have years of experience with helping PokerTracker users, there are far more complaints from users who accidentally unlock their HUD and then proceed to mess up their on-table HUD groups than from users who have locked HUDs and consider using a control key (or a right click in PT3) an inconvenience. PokerTracker should "just work", we strive to avoid options that would create in-game confusion, the last thing someone needs during a 200BB all-in call decision is to have their on tabel HUD groups accidentally slip due to a a misplaced mouse, we do not want to allow PokerTracker 4 to be the source of stress or errors in-game hence our decision on this matter is final.

With that said, we do appreciate your opinion and hope that you find enough in PT4 that you love, hopefully you will just view our locked HUD group policy as a minor inconvenience because PT4 is too good to ignore.

- TT
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Re: Feature Request #3: Make HUD Lock Optional Rather Than A

Postby TrustySam » Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:00 pm

Oh wow, sorry ... I misunderstood. My apologies! Embarrassed!!

I did think it strange that anybody would actually like the lock, or be insistent that it remain an auto-lock.

I didn't realize that there were people who used scripts that are activated by right-clicks since nobody offered up that information as a reason for why there were so many accidental slippages of HUD. So the number of people who might actually want a lock, while not a majority, could potentially be a reasonable amount.

The question then to ask is why they would need an AUTO-lock. Because a reasonable user who unlocks their HUD in order to readjust it would be expected to relock it as soon as they were done.

So the only people who actually need an AUTO-lock are still just the screw-ups, ie they're the people who (1) Need a lock, (2) But turn it off, (3) Then forget to turn it back on because they actually want to use it.

That's a very extreme position, and one I don't think is becoming a brand that wants to appeal to the 98% of the population that are efficient, competent, well-functioning people.

I mean like for anybody who's thinking about the customer, an optional lock would clearly satisfy more people - for those who want the lock, the HUD would remain locked (unless they unlock it, but most users can be counted on to re-lock it and not need the auto-lock feature); for those who don't want the lock, the HUD would remain unlocked. An auto-lock really would only appeal to a really extreme kind of person ...
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Re: Feature Request #3: Make HUD Lock Optional Rather Than A

Postby TrustySam » Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:35 am

Hi Steven, I got an email saying you sent me a private message ... well, not sure what it is you didn't feel you could say in public, but like your call to keep the auto-lock in place, it's your right to sent me messages in private.

How do I access it? Thx
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