by COKE_MAN » Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:06 pm
Lars, a few things I have noticed when having similar problems as yours. i.e. Missing hud items, colors, etc
They all seem to boil down to an error occurring when the HUD is processed and so the processing stops at that point and the remaining items are either cleared or not updated. You may see them drop off the table one at a time as each hand is dealt.
1. If you are using live stats. I saw HUD items start to disappear when more than one table is open. PT4 seems to get confused when pulling from the live tables. I have a ticket open on this. You can test this one by clicking "reset" from the PT4 HUD menu and seeing if all the items come back temporarily
2. Double check your custom stat definitions. Go through each one and click "validate" to insure they are supported. Especially if you imported from PT3, there seem to be a lot of changes between the 2 versions in stat/column definitions. If the HUD encounters an invalid stat, it just quits processing the remaining stats and they are left blank.
3. If you have custom color definitions on your stats and they are not displaying properly (not the HUD color ranges, but the stat itself), make sure you double check the conditions and what is used to define them. I simply copied over some conditions from my PT3 setup and my colors were off. After closer inspection, I noticed that in PT3 I was using VP$IP to color code which was imported from PT3, PT4 default is to display VPIP in the HUDs. In PT3 VP$IP is something like: cnt_vpip/total hands, PT4's VPIP takes walks into account: cnt_vpip/(hands-walks) So just double check that you are not assuming that the PT4 stats match what you expect from PT3
Hope this helps. If not maybe it helps someone else