Note Tracker Effective Stack Size

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Note Tracker Effective Stack Size

Postby stefansinger » Thu May 10, 2012 7:41 pm


I would like to generate notes for preflop all-in hand range, but I want to exclude hands where short stackers where involved. The problem is that when I use the preflop effective stack size filter, PT4 (correctly) uses the effective stack size at the time the all-in occurs. But since usually a bet and several raises occurred before the all-in move, the preflop effective stack is not the initial stack size when the hand was dealt. Is there a way to solve this or would it be necessary to add the filter option "Pot Size & Stack Depth - Initial" to PT4? Then the effective stack size should of course only include the players who are part of the action - might also be a problem because it is retrospective.

BTW, the status dialog for the note tracker could be improved in my opinion. Right now the status says "Processed x of [total amount of hands ever played]" and below it is possible to limit the relevant time period. Why not put the time period on top and let the status say "Processed x of [total amount of hands within time period]". Just a thought, doesn't need to be commented. (for the smart people, I know that checking whether the hand was played within the specified time period is also a processing step, but not a processing of the rules defined for creating notes:-)

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Re: Note Tracker Effective Stack Size

Postby WhiteRider » Fri May 11, 2012 4:18 am

The effective stack shows the effective stacks at the start of the hand - doing anything else is open to complications about when the effective stack should be defined and is not practical to implement at this time. Exactly what do you want to filter for? - it may be possible, although I suspect the situation may be too complex to make a general filter for..
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Re: Note Tracker Effective Stack Size

Postby stefansinger » Fri May 11, 2012 12:04 pm

I'll try to explain it with 2 examples.

Example 1
Player A: 100bb stack with AA
Player B: 100bb stack with KK
Player C: 40bb stack

Preflop Action
Player A bets 20bb
Player B raises to 40bb
Player C folds
Player A raises to 80bb
Player B raises all-in
Player A calls all-in

=> Player B Note: Preflop Raise All-in Range {AA}
=> Player A Note: Preflop Call All-in Range {KK}

Example 2
Player A: 100bb stack
Player B: 100bb stack with KK
Player C: 40bb stack with AA

Preflop Action
Player A fold
Player B bets 20bb
Player C raises all-in
Player B calls all-in

=> No Notes because a short stacker (stack below 70bb) was involved in the action

I was also playing around with the actual stack size filter for opponent, but somehow I don't get it to work properly.
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:20 pm

Re: Note Tracker Effective Stack Size

Postby BillGatesIII » Fri May 11, 2012 1:57 pm

I think you can use 'Total Put in Pot BB'. You can find it under 'Actions and Opportunities - Preflop - Preflop Bet Sizing'.
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