possible to "clone" a database?

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possible to "clone" a database?

Postby tannenj » Sat May 12, 2012 5:26 am

My apologies if this is a dumb question or covered elsewhere.

Sometimes I 8table and sometimes I 4table. I like to track the results of such separately, so I have two databases on my computer: "8tabling" and "4tabling."

I'd like to combine the two databases into one database called "Combined." Exporting all the hands, creating the third database, and doing a manual import would of course accomplish this goal, but I'm pushing two million hands, so it'd take a while. I'm wondering if it's possible to "clone" the "8tabling" database, my much larger database. If that's possible (and quicker than exporting/manually importing), I'd rather do that and then import the hands from my "4tabling" database manually when it's done.

Thanks in advance for any help, even if it consists of the information that what I'd like to do isn't possible.
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Re: possible to "clone" a database?

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 12, 2012 9:06 am

Yes, you can make a copy of a database using the Backup/Restore mechanism. When you restore a database which already exists you will be given the chance to restore to a new database with a different name.
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Re: possible to "clone" a database?

Postby tannenj » Mon May 14, 2012 12:23 am

Ah, great. Appreciate it.

Before I get going with that, I'm hoping to get some help with a related issue. The database I'd like to "clone" seems to be acting up a bit. In certain spots it seems to have tracked all my hands, but in others it seems to be missing a few. This is easier to clarify with a picture, so here you go:


The left side of the image was taken from the Graphs tab. As you can see, it shows that I have 1,624,878 hands in this database and that I'm up $213,959.99.

The right side of the image was taken from the Player Summary in the General tab. For some reason, it's showing that I have 1,618,288 hands in this database and that I'm up $213,367.84. As you can see, the General tab is missing 6,590 hands. The Sessions tab also shows the second set of (smaller) numbers. However, the Hands tab shows the first set of (larger) numbers.

I happen to have this database on another computer, too, and I used the Sessions tabs on both databases simultaneously to find a few sessions where there were discrepancies (tedious, obv). I then exported those hands from the old database and did a manual import on the new database, which changed nothing.

I should clarify: I'm using no filters, so this is certainly not an error on my end. Strange problem; any help would be much appreciated.
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Re: possible to "clone" a database?

Postby WhiteRider » Mon May 14, 2012 3:11 am

Is your cache showing as 100% in the status bar at the bottom of PT3? You could try doing a cache rebuild to see if that corrects the values. If the numbers are correct in your other database then it would seem that the hands are imported correctly so it is hard to say why you're seeing differences in one database.
However, given that situation you may find it better to start a new database and reimport all the hands you want, preferably from the original hand history files (I'd start with a the sessions where you identified the discrepancies to verify that they import correctly).

If you see differences in a new database please attach the hand histories which cause the problem to a Support Ticket so that we can investigate.
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Re: possible to "clone" a database?

Postby tannenj » Mon May 14, 2012 5:55 am

Thanks for the quick reply, as always.

The cache status is at 100%, yeah. I rebuilt the cache prior to examining the numbers.

Would it make sense to use the Backup/Restore mechanism to transfer the database from my other computer (the one that contains the flawless database) to my new one? I don't really have the time to re-import; got grind on the mind and want to be able to use PT3 (re-importing the whole database would take 50+ hours on this machine).

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Re: possible to "clone" a database?

Postby kraada » Mon May 14, 2012 8:27 am

Yes, that makes perfect sense. Backup and Restore is also much, much faster than a reimport (which wouldn't matter much for tiny databases but it doesn't sound like you have one of those).
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Re: possible to "clone" a database?

Postby tannenj » Tue May 15, 2012 5:25 am

Worked well. Thanks very much for the help.
Posts: 11
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