Stat-based definitions

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Stat-based definitions

Postby PeteX » Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:58 am

Are there any plans to add stat-based rules to NoteTracker? Currently there doesn't seem to be any.

Obviously one could see the same info from stats, but what I'd like to do would be to create notes that would use several stats and offer me "easy to ready" information for exploiting some opponents.

For example, in NL I'd like to find out if a pf-raiser is exploitable so that I could 3bet him from the button and then bet flop and turn and make him fold with high propability. For this I'd create rules roughly like this:
- Open raised
- Faced 3bet from button and called
- Calls flop cbet > X% (here I'd need to be able to use a stat-based rule as well as in the next line)
- Folds turn cbet > Y%
=> Add text to note: "3Bet his open-raise from button and then double-barrel".

Obviously this all could be formulated into a single stat as well but then it would take space for all those opponents as well who are not so exploitable. It would be nice to have a note only on those players that are clearly exploitable in a certain way.

Or am I missing something obvious, is this already doable in NoteTracker?
Posts: 194
Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:12 am

Re: Stat-based definitions

Postby kraada » Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:50 am

That's not doable in NoteTracker at this point in time, but we do have plans for functionality which will suit your needs. It will still be a little while in coming, but we will get there.
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