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bugsbunny wrote:You can work around this:
Login using pgadmin3 using the postgres account. (Or else login in with the existing account and create a new, temporary, superuser account with full abilities).
Go down to the Login Roles section and select the Timmehhh role. Right click and choose properties. Modify the name to all lower case (you shouldn't be logged in to the account that you're modifying).
EDIT: When you do this you also have to re-enter the password otherwise when it modifies the entry you'll lose the associated password.
Next go to the database itself, select it and right click, choose properties, and change the owner to the new, modified, name. You'll also need to go and change all the tables. It's probably easier to script this part but you can easily go through all the tables in the public schema and change the owner (if there's no current owner leave it alone).
Once done and verified you can go and delete the new,temporary, account you created. Or leave it for future emergency maintenance issues.
Timmehhh wrote:Thanks for the help !
I have created a new superuseraccount. I tried to log out the "Timmehhh" account but I couldn't now I can't get in my database at all. What to do?
Timmehhh wrote:I did something I accidently deactivated the Timmehhh role. And now I can't get in the database to activate it again.
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