To set up a note for non-all-in 3bets you'll need to filter for making a 3bet, and also rule out 3bets which were all-in.
We can check for that by seeing if the player either wasn't all-in preflop, or faced a 4bet preflop (meaning that even if they were allin it wasn't when they 3bet).
Add your 3Bet filter as normal.
To add an all-in raise to the filter go to Actions & Opportunities > Preflop > Raises and tick "Raised All-in". Click Add to Filter.
To add facing a 4bet go to Actions & Opportunities > Preflop > Opportunities and tick "Reraise Opportunity > 4Bet+". Click Add to Filter.
On the Active Filters list you now have 3 filters listed:
- Raised Preflop Any 3Bet
- Raised All-In
- ReRaise Opportunity 4Bet+ (facing 3Bet or greater)
We need to combine these a little differently, because we don't want all of those conditions like that.
Click on Raised All-In and at the bottom of the screen click 'NOT' Selected.
Now hold the Control key down and click on Reraise Opportunity 4Bet+ so that they are both selected, and then click the 'OR' Selected button, as shown here: