Problem with importing

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Re: Problem with importing

Postby Money022 » Thu May 08, 2008 10:29 pm

APerfect10 wrote:
Money022 wrote:I ran into the same issue but was able to create the new database and was able to get PT3 to work. However, what's the easiest way to merge the hands from your old database? As a quick fix I moved the previously imported hands back to my Hand History folder where they import from and am uploading those 8k hands at the moment, but that would take a long time with a larger DB.

Any better suggestions? Thanks!

That is the fastest and easiest method right now. If we need to make a database change after the commercial release, we will provide an automatic conversion utility. :)

Unfortunately, there will be one more database modification prior to the commercial release...

Best regards,


Why thank you sir. ;)

Now for the next big question. After getting all the hands uploaded again, I had 4.5k more mystery hands show up in my $50 NL records. They went from 8k to 12.5k. When uploading it said I had 17 duplicates, but I certainly can't find them. Is there anyway to track down and remove duplicates? I sorted out hands played at that limit and I couldn't find any duplicate sessions.

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Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:55 pm

Re: Problem with importing

Postby APerfect10 » Sat May 10, 2008 11:54 am

Duplicates will not be imported so the data in PokerTracker will be accurate. I would not worry about those 17 duplicate hand histories, they will not cause any problems. This is usually caused by overlapping observed vs played hands.

Best regards,

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