Group notes?

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Group notes?

Postby erdnase17 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:40 am

It would be nice if we could specify the layout of notes so we can group together related items. For example if I have a note 'Call Open Shove 25-17bb' and another note 'Call Open Shove 16-12bb' I'd like to see them next to each other when hovering over the note symbol in the HUD. Is it possible to add this feature in future releases?
Also it would be nice to have a sparkline that shows the hand range strength the same way as notecaddy :-P

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Re: Group notes?

Postby kraada » Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:33 am

It's not possible yet and it would be a pretty big change. It is possible that these kinds of things may be added, but I would not expect them in the near future.
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Re: Group notes?

Postby erdnase17 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:54 am

kraada wrote:It's not possible yet and it would be a pretty big change. It is possible that these kinds of things may be added, but I would not expect them in the near future.

Ok I understand the sparkline feature requires more work but the item grouping is essential imho, otherwise the notes just look like a mess of text and it shouldn't be too difficult to implement, something as simple as sorting them in alphabetical order would do the trick.

Is it possible to get the current opponent's name (in a heads-up table) through some SQL query or perhaps some live stat?

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Re: Group notes?

Postby kraada » Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:42 pm

It's not possible to get an opponent's name to automatically appear in a note - how would you even want that to work?
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Re: Group notes?

Postby erdnase17 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:51 pm

kraada wrote:It's not possible to get an opponent's name to automatically appear in a note - how would you even want that to work?

I was thinking that if I could get the opponent's name of the running game through some SQL query I could perform a query to fetch the auto notes and display them sorted alphabetical in a tooltip using an AHK script.

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Re: Group notes?

Postby kraada » Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:29 pm

You can get the id_player value for each player who is currently playing in the live_cash_player table. You'd have to join to the player table to get their actual player name if you wanted that.
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Re: Group notes?

Postby erdnase17 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:58 pm

kraada wrote:You can get the id_player value for each player who is currently playing in the live_cash_player table. You'd have to join to the player table to get their actual player name if you wanted that.

How is the live_tourney_player populated?

For example I made a simple query
Code: Select all
select * from live_tourney_player

and got 14 row but I don't have any tourney table opened.
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Re: Group notes?

Postby kraada » Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:39 pm

It's populated with data based on what tables are open and importing and it should be cleared out every time you stop and restart getting hands while playing.
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