Deleting Databases

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Deleting Databases

Postby Oakrdrzfan » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:20 pm

When I installed the beta, it asked me to create a new database and not use my old db from the alpha. I had created 2 databases before, one from each alpha version i participated in. When the beta installed, only one of the old databases showed up. I deleted it after I created the new one.

However, there is a second old db that didnt show up. Where are they stored so i can delete it. I wont worry about it if the files sizes arent big, but it has 500k hands on it.

Also, do the newer versions of the software istall over the top of the old versions or do we need to delete the old ones first?
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Re: Deleting Databases

Postby _dave_ » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:32 pm

You will be able to drop the old database using the pgAdmin utility bundled with PostgreSQL. 500K hands will certainly take up a chunk of space.
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Re: Deleting Databases

Postby Josh » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:40 pm

I'll be adding more database control in PT3, so you'll be able to connect to and delete databases without needing to use pgAdmin.
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Re: Deleting Databases

Postby Oakrdrzfan » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:59 pm

[quote="_dave_"xxx]You will be able to drop the old database using the pgAdmin utility bundled with PostgreSQL. 500K hands will certainly take up a chunk of space.[/quotexxx]

Is pgAdmin easy to use? I have never used it before. Or is it better to wait until PT3 lets me do this without pgAdmin.

Also, do the new versions of PT3 install over the top of the old ones?
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Re: Deleting Databases

Postby Josh » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:05 pm

If you connect PT3 to the database, you can delete it using the "Delete" button on the Database Management window.

Yes, new versions of PT3 install right over the old versions. No need to uninstall. Just make sure PT3 isn't running when you install.
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Re: Deleting Databases

Postby Oakrdrzfan » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:14 pm

[quote="Josh"gmc]If you connect PT3 to the database, you can delete it using the "Delete" button on the Database Management window.

Yes, new versions of PT3 install right over the old versions. No need to uninstall. Just make sure PT3 isn't running when you install.[/quotegmc]

How do you connect PT3 to a database. It connected to only one of the databases when i installed the new Beta version. One of them got dropped. I was able to delete the one that showed up.
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Re: Deleting Databases

Postby Josh » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:15 pm

I'm not sure I understand then. If you deleted it, why do you need to delete it again?
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Re: Deleting Databases

Postby Oakrdrzfan » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:24 pm

[quote="Josh"1uj]I'm not sure I understand then. If you deleted it, why do you need to delete it again?[/quote1uj]

Let me start over.

I have been involved in 2 versions of the alpha. Each time, i created a new database, ending up with 2. I installed the beta today and only one of the 2 alpha databases showed up. I deleted it after i set up the new db for the beta. One of the original alpha databases (that did not show up after I installed the beta) is still out there somewhere.

I just opened up pgAdmin and have no clue what to do there.

i wont worry about it, but dave said it is a big file with that many hands.
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Re: Deleting Databases

Postby Josh » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:26 pm

In pgAdmin, double-click the PostgreSQL Database Server, then expand the "Databases" item. Right-click on the database you want to delete and select "Delete/Drop" from the menu.
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Re: Deleting Databases

Postby Oakrdrzfan » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:47 pm

Thanks. found it and that worked. Got rid of the old HM database as well!
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