preflop all in notes

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preflop all in notes

Postby sp00ky » Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:08 pm

I need help creating 2 preflop all in notes. One note should show me with which hands villain is all in preflop if he pushes and the other if he calls an allin with a stack from 61to 115bb in cashgame(NL).
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Re: preflop all in notes

Postby kraada » Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:31 pm

You want to use {cardrange} in your note text however you set it up - that shows you the hands that the player hand. In terms of filters you want to use Hand Details -> Pot Size & Stack Depth -> Preflop and you can either use effective or actual stack size of 61 to 115 BBs there.

For pushing all in you want Actions and Opportunities -> Preflop -> Raises -> Raise All-In

For calling you want Actions and Opportunities -> Preflop -> Calls -> Went All In.
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Re: preflop all in notes

Postby sp00ky » Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:05 am

One more question. Do I use opponent or player filter for the notes?
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Re: preflop all in notes

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:01 am

In general use "Player".

Player is the player the note is being taken on, you use "Opponent" if you want to check for an opponent [of the player you're taking the note on] making a specific action. For example if you want a note on a player 3betting when facing a 2bet by the button you would add a "Player" filter for 3bet and an "Opponent" filter for 2bet and position 0 (the button).
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Re: preflop all in notes

Postby sp00ky » Sat Jul 14, 2012 8:55 am

Does not work correct. There was no note taken on: hero bu open, villain bb 3bet, hero 4bet, villain pushes, hero calls he shows J9o, but there was no note for this.
whats wrong ? do I also have to set filters for 3bet, 4bet....

thank you
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Re: preflop all in notes

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:08 pm

Are you filtering for effective stack sizes?
If so, have you re-imported your hands into a new database?
The effective stack size mechanism was changed in v4.01.23 and you will need to re-import to populate the new data - existing databases will have been updated to the new structure but will not have any data in them for the effective stacks.

If that doesn't apply then please export your note definition and the history for the hand in question and attach them to a Support Ticket so that we can see what is wrong. Post your ticket number here so that we can follow it up as quickly as possible.
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Re: preflop all in notes

Postby sp00ky » Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:52 pm

I am filtering for actual stack size (villain had 100bb). I didn`t reimport, but I purged all notes and let notetracker run again before I played the hand.
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Re: preflop all in notes

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Jul 14, 2012 4:42 pm

In that case please open a ticket as I suggested so that we can see what is going wrong for you.
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Re: preflop all in notes

Postby sp00ky » Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:46 am

ticket is sent.
Posts: 98
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