FAQ: Rush Hud Performance Tuning

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Re: FAQ: Rush Hud Performance Tuning

Postby stewie21 » Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:46 pm

When 4-tabling Rush my HUD lags and keeps stats on the table for players who aren't there/doesn't bring up the new players stats. Sometimes PT doesn't come up at all for one out of the four tables. When playing only one table, there is still some lag in the display of player stats, but they usually show up. Any idea what is causing this/how to fix it.
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Re: FAQ: Rush Hud Performance Tuning

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:52 am

Did you follow the recommendations in this thread to optimize things? Please check the FAQ: PT3 HUD for further tips and how to report your problem.
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Re: FAQ: Rush Hud Performance Tuning

Postby elethandor » Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:26 am

The question is about graph results performance tuning sorry if it is off-topic.

The graphs even if I have the filter for a day so that not many hands are selected, it is extremely slow. Sometimes it doesn't even show a graph and bring up the results.

Is there a way I can tune the performance of it?

Thank you!
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Re: FAQ: Rush Hud Performance Tuning

Postby kraada » Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:48 am

There aren't any specific tunings that can be done for graph performance I'm afraid. What are the specs on your machine? Also, have you given PT4 a try? We've done a lot of work in PT4 to make things snappier.
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Re: FAQ: Rush Hud Performance Tuning

Postby elethandor » Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:57 am

I have an Intel I7.620M with 500GB HDD and 6GB RAM running on Windows 7.

I have about 2.9million hands and I am using the v3.13.8. Also my database is fresh that means i have created it a week ago and all cache stands at 100%.

I hadnt tried the v4 as I thought it was still beta (I usually like to use stable versions) but i will give it a shot!

P.S For your info Kraada we have solved the hud problem it was the Amount Won (Global) that was slowing the pop up menu..:)
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Re: FAQ: Rush Hud Performance Tuning

Postby kraada » Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:07 am

That definitely wouldn't be a problem in PT4 - multiple currencies are built into PT4 much more effectively. If you're a multi-currency user that's another reason to look into upgrading!
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Re: FAQ: Rush Hud Performance Tuning

Postby elethandor » Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:36 am

kraada I have downloaded and tried to verify my registration code from v3. I cannot upgrade to v4 I have to buy again?
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Re: FAQ: Rush Hud Performance Tuning

Postby kraada » Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:50 am

PT3 and PT4 registration codes are not interchangeable, but if you purchased PT3 within the last year you can upgrade to PT4 at no cost. I don't see a PT3 code attached to your account though, which we would need to do in order for you to be eligible for your discount. If you create a support ticket, we'll link things for you though.
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Re: FAQ: Rush Hud Performance Tuning

Postby iznogood » Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:07 pm

ok so am having lots of problem with pt4 and i see here the post of 2 people saying my problem and you tell them to switch to pt4 that they wont have those problem but having those 2 since buying pt4 .

{When 4-tabling Rush my HUD lags and keeps stats on the table for players who aren't there/doesn't bring up the new players stats. Sometimes PT doesn't come up at all for one out of the four tables. When playing only one table, there is still some lag in the display of player stats, but they usually show up. Any idea what is causing this/how to fix it.}

{ The question is about graph results performance tuning sorry if it is off-topic.

The graphs even if I have the filter for a day so that not many hands are selected, it is extremely slow. Sometimes it doesn't even show a graph and bring up the results.

Is there a way I can tune the performance of it?

Thank you!}

also it will never close by normally closing it always have to use window sytem manager
really looking for update fast no technical thing am not a computer technician. thx
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Re: FAQ: Rush Hud Performance Tuning

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:21 am

Are you using the latest version 4.05.9? If not, please update - PT4 Download Page.

Does your system meet our minimum requirements?

How big is your database?

Are you using any custom stats in your Hud profile?
Do the built-in default profiles work any better?
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