Fine Tuning A Stat

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Fine Tuning A Stat

Postby rambo00007 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:03 pm

I'm trying to make the Party Poker Points Awarded exact but i seem to be always out by .001 for example
my hud stat for the Party Points read 1.077 but the actual Party Point summary page showed it to be 1.006
i checked this part way throguh my session. At the end I made another comparison. My hud stat showed
2.042 but the summary page was 2.041 i know it's very close but i'm trying to get it perfect. This is what i
have in the Column Expression:-

sum( if[cash_hand_summary.amt_rake>.001 AND cash_hand_summary.id_site = 200,
(cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_bet_ttl / cash_hand_summary.amt_pot) * cash_hand_summary.amt_rake,

is thee anything here that can be tweaked to adjust for the minor difference?
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Joined: Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:15 pm

Re: Fine Tuning A Stat

Postby kraada » Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:10 pm

I suspect not - it's possible they do internal rounding in a different way and without knowing exactly how they round we couldn't know how to match the behavior.
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