All Players Report filtering out some People

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All Players Report filtering out some People

Postby Succeed1337 » Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:38 am

I just copy paste from 2p2

When under Reports --> New Report --> All Playersreport, is it possible to remove certain players from the report? My SN is showing up there too and I don`t want that(or that I can filter out people I have a certain number of hands on like < 100 or > 100


ok figured out how to remove myself only need to figure out how to remove others

Yes, it is possible, but it requires using custom expressions - this is an advanced topic that is outside the scope of support on the 2+2 forums, please visit the PokerTracker Forums Reporting forum for help

I was looking for the expression filters but I didn`t get it work I tried #player# etc.
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Re: All Players Report filtering out some People

Postby Succeed1337 » Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:46 am

ok figured it outmyself #Player# != 'Playername'
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Re: All Players Report filtering out some People

Postby Succeed1337 » Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:45 pm

Ok I tried to filter my database for this:


8-10 BB Stacksize


UTG shoves and I want to know how often someone behind from UTG+1-Button calls the shove.

Is that possible?
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Re: All Players Report filtering out some People

Postby kraada » Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:05 am

Yes, we can do that but a little bit of clarification will help - when you say 8-10BB stack size does that mean the shove also was in that range and we are too? Or could the shove be 5BB and we be sitting there with 9BB? If the shove is 8BB and we have 20BB do we want to see that hand?
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Re: All Players Report filtering out some People

Postby Succeed1337 » Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:12 am

Or could the shove be 5BB and we be sitting there with 9BB?


If the shove is 8BB and we have 20BB do we want to see that hand?


I Forgot that I only want results from a fulltable(or 8 players) but I guess thats possible with Players dealt 8-9.

I really tried to get it working yesterday but I got a lot of nonsense results.

Also just to clarify the Positions of PT4. It says BTN = 0 SB = 9 and BB = 8.

So I really dont get this is UTG 7?
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Re: All Players Report filtering out some People

Postby kraada » Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:36 pm

Position starts at 0 for the button and counts up counterclockwise and jumps to 8 for the BB. So if you're 4 handed you have positions 0, 1, 8 and 9. For 6 handed 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9.*

From what you describe you want to filter for:

Hand Details -> Pot Size & Stack Depth -> Effective Stack Size -> Between 8BB and 10000BB (or something else large)
Hand Details -> Player Position -> Preflop -> Position of First Raiser Exactly 3 (for 6max) or Exactly 6 (for 9max)
Hand Details -> Player Position -> Preflop -> Position of Active Player Between 0 and 2 (for 6max) or 0 and 5 (for 9max)
Actions and Opportunities -> Preflop -> Opportunities -> Faced All-In
Actions and Opportunities -> Preflop -> Actions Encoutered With Sizes -> Calculated in Big Blinds -> 2Bet Preflop Between 8 and 10000 BB

And that should get you what you want. If you want to limit the open shoves to 10BB just change the last 10000 to 10.

*If there is a dead small blind then you can have something like 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, but these are the normal situations.
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Re: All Players Report filtering out some People

Postby Succeed1337 » Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:12 pm

Ok that`s nearly what I had, just I dont really understand the positions:

Hand Details -> Player Position -> Preflop -> Position of First Raiser Exactly 3 (for 6max) or Exactly 6 (for 9max)

So 6 is UTG ? 5 UTG +1 4 UTG +2 and so on?
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Re: All Players Report filtering out some People

Postby kraada » Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:06 pm

Count in the other direction and you'll find it much easier.

(1) 8 is the big blind
(2) 9 is the small blind
(3) 0 is the button
(4) 1 is the cutoff
(5) 2 is the hijack
(6) 3 is the player before the hijack
(7) 4 is the player before that, etc.

If you're playing 6 handed you've already run out of space (and 3 is UTG with 6 players) I've included the numbers to make it clearer what table sizes what numbers matter for you.
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