"stat" which just shows colour rather than value

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Re: "stat" which just shows colour rather than value

Postby oracle3001 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 1:02 pm

I have another quick question...

When setting colors in the statistics section, how does one do

#this current stat# > x

or do you have to go through the long list and find the stat that this colour arrangement is going to be associated with and select it each time?

i.e if you are looking to colour code CBet Flop, in the Colors tab do I have to add #CBet Flop# > x, rather than some sort of keyword e.g #this# > x?

And how much extra overheard would it add to the db / PT4 running / cache-ing if I was to make a large number of these custom stats that are effectively empty markers with custom colour ranges (obviously not adding new columns / variables)? I am wondering if it feasible to replace a lot of stats in my pop-ups with colour coded blobs.

And then the same question if the custom stats were duplicates of existing ones, but with the format expression changed to format('n').
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Re: "stat" which just shows colour rather than value

Postby kraada » Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:37 pm

When you use a different position property the value expression of the stat will change - so things like your tooltips should work. I'm not 100% certain exactly how the coloring would work though, and I'd need to test it myself to see. If you give it a shot before I get a chance, please do let me know how it works (my gut says the coloring would be the non-positional version though).

There is no shorthand 'this' for color coding - you'd still need to do the stat name in #s which you can either type (like #CBet Flop#) or find in the list and insert it that way (which is probably easier for some of the longer stat names).

My understanding is that so long as you do not use custom columns there would be no difference in speed from just using a regular stat.
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Re: "stat" which just shows colour rather than value

Postby oracle3001 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:56 pm

Given what you say, the easiest way of creating these coloured blobs might just be to duplicate each existing stat and replace the format expression with format('n') (or whatever shape you desire)....which should then definitely allow the positional filtering to work as the underlying numerically calculation is still there (rather than my current hack, which basically says go off and get the value from elsewhere).

All of which makes me think, given how little it appears to be changed to get this to work, maybe you guys could add this functionality fairly easily. Effectively all it appears to be is changing the format of the expression of a stat and the font. You already offer the various expression types, such as money..., how about "blob" or colour coded "symbol".

I can see this being a really popular option. Why look at a massive table of numbers, which people already colour code for ease of sight, when you could probably replace a hell of a lot of them with coloured blob (which if you still get more info from hovering over it) and / or combo of number with coloured blob next to it.

The one thing that has always put me off your competitors product is the really hard to view main pop-up. I found it completely unusable due to the ridiculous number of stats on it.

I am serious considering replacing a lot of my pop-ups with colour coded symbols. I think I will find it much easier to see c-bet flop, turn, river via "traffic light "-esque symbols than 3 numbers in a big table.
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Re: "stat" which just shows colour rather than value

Postby kraada » Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:34 pm

It's certainly an interesting suggestion. I'm not sure that I'd personally want it for my entire HUD but I can definitely see the appeal.
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Re: "stat" which just shows colour rather than value

Postby PJs Ronin » Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:43 pm

Best thread I've seen in a long time.

Would love to see this progressed, especially for tourney players where stat values become of lesser importance as blinds increase and yes/no/maybe actions dominate.
PJs Ronin
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Re: "stat" which just shows colour rather than value

Postby pasita » Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:09 am

oracle3001 wrote:Finally got it working.

It appears there is a mini bug.

I had to readd the stat in the HUD, otherwise for whatever reason the various changes I was making to the underlying stat wasn't been updated (despite a HUD restart etc).

I've found that the only reliable(ish) way to make the stat changes real is to make a small change in the HUD editor (maybe just change the opacity a slight bit) and press Apply (in the HUD editor). Restarting the HUD (or anything else I've tried) doesn't seem to help. Can anyone verify this?
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Re: "stat" which just shows colour rather than value

Postby pasita » Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:41 am

I like the 'blobs' idea but I've taken a different approach.

You can see two blocks of badges (for 2 players), they're based on the READ stats -system you can find from the PT3 forum. The one on the left does a lot of FreeCardPlays. The one on the right does FreeShowDownraises and fold_toTurnFloats. He does not fold_toRiverProbe easily (the text is black), and you can see the tooltip with count/opportunities. Red bg is for aggressive actions, green for passive. The red/green small dots are for "no specific read" on a scenario, which is kind of a side effect of how PT4 displays stuff but OK I guess.

The block on the middle would be a popup (ignore the $10.00, it's a placeholder due to PT not displaing a pure text statbox), this is how I currently plan to display stuff like "absolute hand value when raised river" and such, kind of like spark graph style. The upper row would show a merged range and the lower would show a more polarized range. The bars are from a font I made specifically for this (digits 0...9), they could (possibly) be colored the normal way.

I'm horrible at coming up with ways how to visualize stuff, so if you have ideas HOW you think some data could/should be DISPLAYED for maximum clearness, please discuss. I might be able to come up with ways how to extract the data from the db.
Spoiler: show
I'm still trying to figure out a way of doing the hand value stuff without breaking the PT4 database schema :) The notes system is currently a bit of a pain to work with.

badges.png (43.95 KiB) Viewed 2326 times
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Re: "stat" which just shows colour rather than value

Postby COKE_MAN » Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:09 pm

I've been doing this kind of thing since PT3 when I wanted to color code and outline around my HUD based on stats. That is not available so I came up with the blob approach. I don't use format('n') though. Mine uses "█" as the Value expression and ignore_formatting(this) in the format type. Then color code based on my definitions for categorizing a player. I can then insert these in my Hud and achieve a color coded border. Not perfect, but fits the bill for me. I couldn't say which one would perform better between your method or mine.

For other uses of the blob(s), I have played with similar things you are getting at here. Then main thing is just training your eye to read what they mean. For example, I have one I am experimenting with that is 12 small dots. Arranged it looks like a double 6 domino. Each dot goes red/yellow/green, based on cbet, f2cbet, float, f2float, etc. per street Gives me a quick glance to help decide if checking to induce works on a villain or if floating my work on another. Have really internalized it yet though and still end up clicking it to get to the popup.

I like the idea of the badges you have there. Lots of potential.
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Re: "stat" which just shows colour rather than value

Postby pasita » Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:19 pm

Considering my skills of visualizing stuff (that's low) I'd love to see how you set up your dominoes :)
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Re: "stat" which just shows colour rather than value

Postby PJs Ronin » Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:04 pm

For either of you brainiacs... does the 'lower opacity until mouseover' feature work with your blobs/dominoes?
PJs Ronin
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