I am using a computer with windows 7, an AMD Athlon LE-1660 2.80 GHz processor and 4 GB RAM. Kraada said earlier that should be no problem.
When I test the hands for notes, it taks about 2 seconds pr. hand.
Just after the PT4 release I was running notes on all my old hands in the database which resultet in a constant 100% CPU usage causing an almost constant 2-3 second delay in sound playing only 1 table at Stars. Today, after adding a few hundred notes
since then, I was doing a little testing without importing old hands. The CPU usage went from aprox 10% to 100% for a few seconds just after each hand when database, notes and HUD was updating and then back to 10%, with sound delayed by the same few seconds.
As said in other post, I fixed it (at least playing 1 table, haven't tested it multitabling) by giving pokertracker a lower priority, just hoping it doesn't corrupt anything.
Sidequestion, is it possible to export all my notes at once, or do I need to export them one by one ? A friend of mine would like to have them too.
Best regards