Holecards filter in straight draws

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Holecards filter in straight draws

Postby Longchamp » Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:06 pm


I think a filter is needed for holecards in the straightdraw section like there is in the flushdraw section.
If the board runs like 765 4, straightdraw on turn notes are triggered for all players unless there is a possibility to choose 1 or 2 holecards. As I see it, there is no way around it at the moment.

Besides that, could it be possible to add "at least 1 holecard" instead of having to use "flushdraw using 1 holecard OR flushdraw using 2 holecards"

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Re: Holecards filter in straight draws

Postby kraada » Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:23 pm

You can filter out these kinds of boards using NOT (Board Texture -> Board Connectedness -> Turn -> All Four Cards Connected).
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Re: Holecards filter in straight draws

Postby Longchamp » Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:29 am

So there was a way around, at least partially. Thanks for showing that.

It seems that it works perfectly regarding openended straightdraws, but what if it is regarding gutshots. I then have to also add 1 gaps in the NOT section to exclude boards like 654 2. But what if holecards are 8x, then a gutshot note is supposed to trigger.

Few other things.

Is it possible to change the priority of the notes listing on the table popup? It shows alphabetically inside each group (preflop, flop etc). I would like them to show in order rule 101,102 etc. That way people can move a specifik note to the top regardless if it is a preflop or river note.

I am still having some computer performance issues. Probably due to having 200+ notedefinitions to check for :D After each hand, Pokertracker uses almost 100% of CPU for a few seconds, causing sound problems on Pokerstars. It looks like I can solve it by giving pokertracker a lower priority in windows joblist, processes. But could that cause other problems besides a little slower update of the HUD ?

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Re: Holecards filter in straight draws

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:27 pm

It isn't currently possible to automatically sort notes in any other way, but this request has been made before and may be something the development team consider in the future.

NoteTracker should run in the background as a low priority process and shouldn't interfere with anything - what type of CPU do you have? How much RAM?
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Re: Holecards filter in straight draws

Postby Longchamp » Sat Aug 11, 2012 3:01 pm

I am using a computer with windows 7, an AMD Athlon LE-1660 2.80 GHz processor and 4 GB RAM. Kraada said earlier that should be no problem.

When I test the hands for notes, it taks about 2 seconds pr. hand.

Just after the PT4 release I was running notes on all my old hands in the database which resultet in a constant 100% CPU usage causing an almost constant 2-3 second delay in sound playing only 1 table at Stars. Today, after adding a few hundred notes :D since then, I was doing a little testing without importing old hands. The CPU usage went from aprox 10% to 100% for a few seconds just after each hand when database, notes and HUD was updating and then back to 10%, with sound delayed by the same few seconds.

As said in other post, I fixed it (at least playing 1 table, haven't tested it multitabling) by giving pokertracker a lower priority, just hoping it doesn't corrupt anything.

Sidequestion, is it possible to export all my notes at once, or do I need to export them one by one ? A friend of mine would like to have them too.

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Re: Holecards filter in straight draws

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Aug 11, 2012 4:32 pm

NoteTracker really shouldn't use 100% CPU so it's possible something else is going on there.
What anti-virus software do you use?
Please check whether it is configured to check every file read and write, and if it is add an exception to the PostgreSQL data folder. If every file read and write is monitored that will significantly affect performance as PostgreSQL is constantly reading and writing.
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Re: Holecards filter in straight draws

Postby Longchamp » Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:07 am

I am using AVG. It has something called resident shield which scans files when opening and saving. I tried both to exclude pokertracker 4 and postgreSQL folders from scanning, as well as turning off the shield completely with no change in CPU usage. This is what processes looks like for a few seconds after each hand. Anything else I can try if you have any experience with AVG ?


Or could it simply be because I have 200+ notes and 3 different HUD groups pr. player to update ?


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Re: Holecards filter in straight draws

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:16 am

I'm not familiar with Resident Shield specifically, but for that kind of functionality you definitely need to have it ignore the PostgreSQL data folder - are you sure it's now doing that? (Sometimes just turning an anti-virus system off won't actually stop it interfering.)

That said, please report your problem so that we can check your logs and see what is going on in PT4 when a hand is imported.
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Re: Holecards filter in straight draws

Postby Longchamp » Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:49 am

OK, thanks.

I will try to send some log files to check when I play later this evening.
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Re: Holecards filter in straight draws

Postby Longchamp » Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:50 pm

Just an update..

Due to other problems with the computer I decided to buy a new, and now I have no problems, no delays, cpu usage newer over 30% and testing for my 200+ notes takes less than half the time for each hand than on the old computer.
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