Hud Profile Editor problems

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Hud Profile Editor problems

Postby BigGameHunter » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:24 pm


I am currently experiencing two problems with the Hud Profile Editor.

Firstly, when attempting to add a new stat (to either an existing profile or a new one), the secondary window that lists the available stats opens outside of the visible screen therefore the mouse cannot reach it. In order to get to it, I am having to press "Alt" on the keyboard followed by the spacebar. From the drop down menu that appears in the upper left corner of the screen I select "Move" using the arrow keys on the keyboard. Again using the keyboard, I have to finally bring the window down and in from the upper left corner of the screen. Although rather tedious (I have to do this every time I want to add a stat to a new line) this is more of an annoyance than a critical issue.

The second problem is with the "Color Ranges" feature. When I click "Add", the focus again moves away from the Profile Editor like the "Add Statistic" problem above. Pressing "Alt" and spacebar presents a similar drop down menu. This time however, the expected secondary window is, for want of a better word, invisible! I have assumed that the layout of the Color Ranges window is similar if not identical to that of PT3 so to "test" this further I typed a figure, pressed the tab key, typed a second figure and pressed the enter key. The figures entered appeared as predicted in the ranges window with the default colour (black). This is for me a far greater issue as it renders the feature useless in it's current state :cry: .

Any help as always would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

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Joined: Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:15 pm

Re: Hud Profile Editor problems

Postby WhiteRider » Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:19 am

That's very strange - I haven't seen anyone else report that kind of thing.
What type of setup do you have? Do you have multiple monitors? Do you use any kind of magnification or "zooming" in Windows?
Is the window appearing entirely off-screen, or just the title bar of the window off-screen?
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Re: Hud Profile Editor problems

Postby BigGameHunter » Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:36 pm

I'm running an XP rig with two monitors however the problems still persist with just one monitor; I don't use any type of magnification. The windows are fully outside of the screen (inculding title bar) and I have also noticed that this is not just limited to the HUD editor but in fact any secondary window opened by PT4 opens outside of the screen.
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Re: Hud Profile Editor problems

Postby kraada » Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:46 pm

Please restart PT4 using the Logging Enabled link on your Start Menu and reproduce this problem. Then please send us the PokerTracker4.log file via a support ticket so that we can investigate this further for you. You can find this file by clicking File -> Open User Data Folder in the main PT4 window. The file we need is the text file called PokerTracker that's in the folder that appears. Once we have the log we'll be better able to tell if there is anything particularly special about your system.
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