Hud problem

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Re: Hud problem

Postby MikeTribby » Sat May 10, 2008 12:48 am

Any updates regarding this problem?
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Re: Hud problem

Postby Josh » Sat May 10, 2008 10:44 am

mossback1 wrote:I am found that HUD does not track hands stats if I am `SITTING OUT'!

Would these not be `observed hands' and become part of my database and stats on other players.

With PT2, I would regularly Sit Out first 10 hands to gather a few advanced stats. PT3 does not seem to permit.

You need to configure PT3 to read from the Full Tilt Poker\HandHistory directory, *NOT* your user name directory.

Make sure in the Group you want popup stats that in the Hud Stat Config window, Groups tab, you have the Popup dropdown set.
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Re: Hud problem

Postby MikeTribby » Sun May 11, 2008 9:11 am

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Re: Hud problem

Postby WhiteRider » Sun May 11, 2008 9:30 am

Please reproduce this problem in as simple a case as possible - 1 table soon after a PT3 restart would be best - and submit the PokerTracker.log file to the Support system. Be sure to describe your problem and link to this thread.
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Re: Hud problem

Postby ORAG » Sun May 11, 2008 10:20 am

WhiteRider wrote:Please reproduce this problem in as simple a case as possible - 1 table soon after a PT3 restart would be best - and submit the PokerTracker.log file to the Support system. Be sure to describe your problem and link to this thread.
I submitted a log with a single table and this happening last week. The problem seems sporadic and is not dependent on number of tables. The text shows but none of the numbers appear.
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Re: Hud problem

Postby mossback1 » Sun May 11, 2008 10:40 am

My whole HUD disappears after every hand requiring resetting each time (or stats do no update until reset).

(using Win. XP on Full Tilt with Single Table either Tournament, SNG or Cash Table, easily seen at 50 hands or less)

Table Log: How is this found, and sent?
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Re: Hud problem

Postby WhiteRider » Sun May 11, 2008 11:46 am

Please see the bottom of the General PT3 use FAQ for how to submit the log file.
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Re: Hud problem

Postby oracle3001 » Sun May 11, 2008 12:11 pm

I am also having the problem of missing pop-up stats. Doesn't seem to matter what site, party, full tilt, ipoker, it always takes a while to "fill" the popup stats panels, but normally after a few minutes after the initial HUD panels start showing they are there.

However, seemingly on random occasions, I will play a session and the popup stats never fill. I have played 2hr+ sessions, no sign of them, tried restarting the HUD, restarting PT3 etc, no joy. My experience mirrors ORAG's, text but no stats.
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Re: Hud problem

Postby ryaned » Sun May 11, 2008 12:16 pm

mossback1 wrote:My whole HUD disappears after every hand requiring resetting each time (or stats do no update until reset).

(using Win. XP on Full Tilt with Single Table either Tournament, SNG or Cash Table, easily seen at 50 hands or less)

Table Log: How is this found, and sent?

Start----->search----->all files folders----->type in poker tracker....then look for a poker tracker text file----->copy the name of the text file

Now go back to this web site and go to support----->system and follow directions to a support message and complete the form pasting the name of the text file you copied earlier in the attachment box

Hope this helps
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Re: Hud problem

Postby Josh » Tue May 13, 2008 10:07 am

oracle3001 wrote:I am also having the problem of missing pop-up stats. Doesn't seem to matter what site, party, full tilt, ipoker, it always takes a while to "fill" the popup stats panels, but normally after a few minutes after the initial HUD panels start showing they are there.

However, seemingly on random occasions, I will play a session and the popup stats never fill. I have played 2hr+ sessions, no sign of them, tried restarting the HUD, restarting PT3 etc, no joy. My experience mirrors ORAG's, text but no stats.

Do you have a large database or have PT3 reading from a lot of databases?
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