by desperhate » Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:36 pm
what i meant by notetracker windw was the board where u can write and read ur notes while playing.
I have access to this via my HUD(coffee hay's ) so when I use this access during a game couple times , the Hud crashes.
and also new notes from the game do not show up in this window (the one where u write ur notes during the game) if I keep it opened while playing
example. the vilain 3bet me w/ AKo , I open this window from the HUD, it shows vilain 3b AKo (1). I levae it as it is , then vilain 3bet me again with KJ this time , but this new note doesn't show up. I close the window, then reopen it from the hud, and then it shows up this time vilain 3b AKo, KJ.
but if I would leave it opened KJ, wouldn't show up.
So I have to open and close it couple times during a game and it makes my hud crashes.