Reports for Newbies

Discuss how to create custom stats, reports and HUD profiles and share your creations.

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Reports for Newbies

Postby ppickernell » Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:04 pm

I've just moved from PT 3 to 4, and am struggling to get to grips with the new layout.

Apologies if these have been asked before, but a quick scan of the forum I couldn't see:

1. Is it possible to have a custom report of the opponents you are currently playing (or todays opponents will do), but included all their hands - if you select today only, it only shows today only hands?

2. Is there a way of assigning icons/tags to groups of people according to certain rules e.g. Fish, Calling Stations? Like you used to be able to do with PT3?
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Joined: Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:35 pm

Re: Reports for Newbies

Postby kraada » Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:27 pm

(1) Grab the "Lifetime Stats on Today's Players" report available in our warehouse and that will give you the data you want.

(2) Not at this time. We have functionality planned which will improve on this kind of system but it's not yet implemented in PT4.
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