Full Tilt

General discussion of PokerTracker 3.

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Re: Full Tilt

Postby gfadel » Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:19 pm

APerfect10 wrote:... In addition, we have stated that PT3 will not be getting any new features and that we would only continue to support existing sites. Full Tilt is essentially a "new site" as quite a few things have changed and there was a discussion previously whether we would even support this new site in PT3. After internal discussions, we unanimously agreed that we would add support in PT3; however, it would be after PT4 and could take up to 2 weeks which we do not believe is an unreasonable amount of time.

Dear Derek,

Since your company decided to support mac users, and PT3 for mac is still a valid product (it is still sold), you should support it, with acceptable responses times. As simple as that. Once you discontinue PT3 for mac, it would be acceptable to refuse to fix the issue (yes, "fix", since FTP is not a new feature, is a supported site... just a matter of point of view)...

Windows users are a big number? yes... Do they generate more revenue? again yes, i would guess... Are you afraid that HM2 gets fixed quicker than PT4, and you might loose customers to them? I believe so...

It looks like you have tons of reasons to prioritise PT4, but none of them justify neglecting PT3 users, because the current approach of handling mac users are not helping, just creating unhappy customers... :( To be honest I would even be happy to pay a maintenance fee in order to ensure timely responses...

GL, and hope to hear good news soon (sooner than these loooongggg 2 weeks)...


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Re: Full Tilt

Postby tony_1010 » Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:30 pm


I just wish you would hurry up and release a pt4 version for mac users, or provide better support for pt3 until you do. If i didnt use a mac i would swop to holdem manager without a doubt, better software (not sure about pt4 yet as i cant use it), better support, its just the fact that pokertracker have hold of mac users by the balls and theres no other options for us unless we use parallels etc.

Mac users can moan and complain about lack of updates and software but theres nothing we can do about it and pokertracker know it, theres no other competitors out there so they can get away with it.

I would love to know the sale figures for windows vs mac? i always assumed that the reason people used pt was because they were on a mac but thats clearly not the case

Do you have a rough estimate for a pt4 mac release date?


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Re: Full Tilt

Postby StevenM » Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:14 pm

I would like to add to Derek's post above by explaining that there is a misunderstanding of the time period. It can take UP TO 2-3 weeks, this is our standard time frame for almost all releases, that should not be surprising if you are a long time PT3 owner. In reality we don't know how long it will actually take, it depends on the testing process, it could be as sooner if we find no problems, or it could be in 2-3 weeks if we find issues that will delay the release. We anticipate having our first internal alpha ready today or tomorrow, this is what we use to start testing. Testing might take a long time, or it might not.. it is impossible to guess. When we find issues during testing they are fixed... in the meantime additional code is added and tested again. Patience.... it's coming, you have not been ignored, programing takes time!

PS: We have also been busy working on PT4 for OS X, which we want to have released before the end of the year... it has been our #1 most requested addition to PokerTracker, and we hope we can deliver it on schedule.
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Re: Full Tilt

Postby F3rz3nd3 » Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:46 am

this answers really don't satisfy me, cause they sound for me like just making excuses.
After all this mess i regret that i switched total to mac(and be just able to use PT3). you just miss smth. if u can't have it anymore i guess...
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Re: Full Tilt

Postby StevenM » Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:31 pm

F3rz3nd3 wrote:this answers really don't satisfy me, cause they sound for me like just making excuses.

Copy the post and share it with anyone you know who is a software developer, they will tell you that is not an excuse. We cannot code PT3 from thin air, these things take time. We want to get this done as fast as possible, it is very important for us so we can put this project aside and get back to focusing on PT4 for OSX which will hopefully be ready in 2 months.

F3rz3nd3 wrote:After all this mess i regret that i switched total to mac(and be just able to use PT3). you just miss smth. if u can't have it anymore i guess...

I am not quite sure what you mean there, perhaps there was a translation issue? Hold on to your Mac... PT4 is coming soon, it will revolutionize our playing workflow!
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Re: Full Tilt

Postby zerotim » Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:21 pm

you also plan a windows fix, right?
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Re: Full Tilt

Postby kraada » Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:25 pm

We do our programming for PT3 in parallel for Windows and Mac so there will be a Windows release when the Mac release is available as well.
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Re: Full Tilt

Postby tristansimpson » Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:31 am

I have PT4 via upgrade, previously I was unclear of it's advantages and so reverted back after using it a few times.

This at least makes it clearer, I can have something that looks like an over excited 4 year old child's wax crayon project in a warm glass factory with no real functional improvement over pt3 or I can have something that doesn't generally work.
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Re: Full Tilt

Postby StevenM » Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:39 pm

tristansimpson wrote:no real functional improvement over pt3

That couldn't be further from the truth tristansimpson. There is a reason why countless users are switching to PT4, and why many world class players are publicly declairing their love of PT4. It is a radically different application from PT3, it is much easier to use yet even more powerful than before, and it includes many features that were never available in PT3 such as ICM calculation, net adjusted winning calculation, NoteTracker, a full range of global database graphing tools, the vector HUD engine and so much more. I agree you should not take our word at face value, ask your peers what they think... the player forums that we visit have universally embraced PT4 as the industry leader. I sugest you try PT4 once again, get used to the changes...you may find it hard to go back to PT3.

PS: We included a PT3 legacy HUD for people like you who do not see the value of switching initially, since you already own PT4 you have nothing to lose except a little time and patience, its a good investment IMO.
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Re: Full Tilt

Postby zerotim » Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:07 am

thank you for the fast update. great job
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