filter vs player in anti tourneys

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filter vs player in anti tourneys

Postby flipya4dinna » Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:44 am

After much searching i found a thread that addressed filtering against a specific player but then lost the thread after registering. Any who i got this from the thread.

( 0 < (SELECT count(hhps2.id_hand) FROM tourney_hand_player_statistics hhps2 WHERE hhps2.id_hand = tourney_hand_player_statistics.id_hand AND hhps2.id_player = (SELECT p.id_player FROM player p WHERE player_name='villian')) )

Is there anyway to adjust this so it is useful in anti games, as far as i presume it is just basically displaying every single hand dealt with villian at the table? Maybe something like both players have vpip in the hand or one has vpip and the other either vpips or has posted sb/bb?
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Re: filter vs player in anti tourneys

Postby kraada » Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:18 pm

You can add more specifics to this query. For example:

( 0 < (SELECT count(hhps2.id_hand) FROM tourney_hand_player_statistics hhps2 WHERE hhps2.id_hand = tourney_hand_player_statistics.id_hand AND hhps2.flg_vpip and hhps2.id_player = (SELECT p.id_player FROM player p WHERE player_name='villian')) )

would add that the villain in question also VPIPed. You could add any number of additional conjunctions you wanted.

To filter on your own actions you can use the Simple Filters options since you're still the active player.
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