RWPC depended on nr of limpers

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RWPC depended on nr of limpers

Postby Stratocaster » Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:00 pm

I want to split the RWPC stat (create two separate stats):
RWPC 1 ---> raise when there is only one limper
RWPC 2+ ---> ... two or more limpers

I've never built any custom stats, any tips how to make this two statistics ?
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Re: RWPC depended on nr of limpers

Postby kraada » Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:24 am

First, give this tutorial a read through - it'll give you the basics of custom statistics.

This actually is a great one to learn on - the columns for Raise With Previous Limpers (the new name for RWPC in PT4) are cnt_p_raise_limpers and cnt_p_facing_limpers. So these will be where we will start.

The opportunities column (denominator) is the easiest - note there we just use cnt_p_facing_limpers > 0 - now for your stats you want one to be = 1 and the other to be >= 2 (or > 1 whichever way you like better). Then for the respective numerators (the times column) you want to add an "AND cash_hand_player_statistics.cnt_p_face_limpers = 1" (or >=2 or > 1) portion inside the if[] statement before the first comma. That will add an additional condition to match your denominator.

Then build your new stat out of these new columns and you'll be all set :)
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Re: RWPC depended on nr of limpers

Postby Stratocaster » Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:11 pm

I think it's working :D numbers in popup looks fine. Columns used in raise 2+ limpers:
Code: Select all
sum(if[ cash_hand_player_statistics.cnt_p_face_limpers >= 2, 1, 0])

sum(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_first_raise AND NOT cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_open_opp AND cash_hand_player_statistics.cnt_p_face_limpers >= 2, 1, 0])

What does cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_open_opp do? Is there a place where I can find all flags description?

Many thx for help.
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Re: RWPC depended on nr of limpers

Postby kraada » Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:26 pm

flg_p_open_opp is true if at the time of your first action preflop nobody in front of you had voluntarily put money into the pot (so no limpers or raisers in front of you). It's actually a little redundant here but it doesn't hurt anything (if there are a specific number of limpers in front of you, you couldn't have a chance to open).
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Re: RWPC depended on nr of limpers

Postby Stratocaster » Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:05 pm

So the flg_p_open_opp = Raise 1st. Since the cnt_p_raise_limpers column counts number of times player raises limpers, flg_p_first_raise = 2bet?
Code: Select all
sum(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_first_raise AND NOT cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_open_opp, 1, 0])

And whole above expression simply counts all player 2bets that are NOT the raise first = times player raises limpers.

flg_p_open_opp and flg_p_first_raise are flags right? That those the first 3 letters in their names means.
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Re: RWPC depended on nr of limpers

Postby kraada » Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:08 pm

flg_p_first_raise is true when you make the first raise in the hand (a 2Bet) - there may or may not be limpers in front of you. That's why the normal stat uses both of these - we check to make sure you made the first raise (not just any raise) and that you weren't the first to put money in - therefore there must have been limpers. That definition was used before the introduction of the cnt_p_face_limpers column. Now we could just as easily check for flg_p_first_raise and cnt_p_face_limpers > 0 but since both work there's no need to make the change.

And yes, flg means flag in the database (a boolean value that is either true or false).
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