Problems in Vista with Everest

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Problems in Vista with Everest

Postby mynameiskarl » Tue May 13, 2008 5:25 am


Sorry if these have already been posted, but:

I'm running PT3 on everest with windows Vista. Auto import seems to be working fine, and my hund displays updated stats. For a while... After a couple of hundred hands, the autoimport just seems to stop. Stats don't get updated anymore, and when I check PT, hands don't get imported either.

Then I close PT3 (which I can't seem to do the proper way, I always end up using Task Manager) and restart it again. And now the importing can continue, again for a while...

Also, the fold sb/bb to steal always says 0, while it obviously isn't.
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Re: Problems in Vista with Everest

Postby WhiteRider » Tue May 13, 2008 5:30 am

This issue is under investigation and Josh thinks he's improved things. There are further optimisations planned very soon which should reduce the 'lag' people are seeing with stats.
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Re: Problems in Vista with Everest

Postby mynameiskarl » Tue May 13, 2008 7:30 am

It's not just about the lag, that's pretty much fine. The problem I have is that it literally stops importing hands (or maybe it's more than half an hour of lag :P).
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Re: Problems in Vista with Everest

Postby Josh » Tue May 13, 2008 11:53 am

The next time this occurs, please grab the PokerTracker.log file and attach it to a support ticket. Please take note of the exact time the stats stop importing and include that information as well.
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Re: Problems in Vista with Everest

Postby Hollywood111 » Tue May 13, 2008 12:16 pm

I have the same problem, but in windows XP.
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Re: Problems in Vista with Everest

Postby mynameiskarl » Tue May 13, 2008 3:28 pm

Josh wrote:The next time this occurs, please grab the PokerTracker.log file and attach it to a support ticket. Please take note of the exact time the stats stop importing and include that information as well.

I'll try to do so, but the "exact" time is pretty hard. I'm just multitabling and after a while I notice my stats haven't been updated/hands have been imported.
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Re: Problems in Vista with Everest

Postby yop3 » Tue May 13, 2008 6:49 pm

I have the same problem on XP , ticket #8282
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