hud color

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hud color

Postby ILUVTHRILL » Sat Nov 17, 2012 11:07 am

hey hud specialists ;)

first of all i would like to change the color of the hud stats. cant believe i cant find this, lol

the i would just like to see numbers when it shows the hud and not: vpip 20 / pfr 15 / 3bet 5 / ... i would just like to see 20/15/3 and if i could make it all in different colors would be extra perfect!!

AANNNDDDD if i could move all that and i would be able to see my and my opponents stacksize, then i would be the happiest person ever ;)

thanx for everxthing and excuse me for my (i guess) easy problems ;)

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Re: hud color

Postby kraada » Sat Nov 17, 2012 11:37 am

In the Hud -> Edit Hud Profiles window, the data you see on the table is in the Table Groups section. You can change the foreground color of each stat by clicking on it and changing the Foreground value in the Item Properties area. To set those colors to be based on the stat's value, create color ranges in the Color Ranges area (also on the top right).

To remove the prefixes, click on each stat whose prefix you want to remove and remove the data in the Prefix line (also in Item Properties). The stack size in big blinds should be in all of our default hud layouts - it's called Live Stack in BB.
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Re: hud color

Postby leitsleits » Tue Nov 27, 2012 5:24 am

Im new to PT4 so i have some questions.
How i can change ONLY prefix color in the HUD? If i try to change prefix color then the stats color changes aswell. I would like to change only prefix color. is it possible?

Another question: how can i add a "box" to the table which shows who have won last 3 hands and if i click on the hand i can see the hand history. I know HEM had thiis, is it possible in pt4 also?

e: im not going to make a new thread because of this question. anyway how i can change Hand history that bets are in $ not in BB. is it possible?
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Re: hud color

Postby kraada » Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:11 am

The only way you could change the prefix color is to change the foreground color of the stat.

To create the additional HUD box you want, create a new Table Group and set it to display as Table Averages.

The Live Winner 1, 2 and 3 stats show the player who won the last, second last and third last pots respectively and Live Win 1, 2, and 3 show the size of the win. So add these to your group as you want them and you'll get the data you want.
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Re: hud color

Postby leitsleits » Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:34 am

kraada wrote:The only way you could change the prefix color is to change the foreground color of the stat.

To create the additional HUD box you want, create a new Table Group and set it to display as Table Averages.

The Live Winner 1, 2 and 3 stats show the player who won the last, second last and third last pots respectively and Live Win 1, 2, and 3 show the size of the win. So add these to your group as you want them and you'll get the data you want.

I got that HUD box working. Any chance to get them to display the hand i click on? At the moment it shows who won the pot and how big the pot was.

About the prefix color. Let sat i change Att to Steal foreground color .. Then the stat and prefix will both change the color. if i have att to steal stat (prefix ST:) i want the ST to be green and stat itself white. is it possible?
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Re: hud color

Postby kraada » Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:26 pm

You cannot configure that box to show you data about the hand when it's clicked on at this time. There is no way to separate the prefix color from the stat color that I'm aware of.
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Re: hud color

Postby BillGatesIII » Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:47 pm

You can use a text field for the ST: and leave prefix empty.
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