Float F stat

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Float F stat

Postby Stratocaster » Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:14 am

(cnt_f_float / cnt_f_float_opp) * 100 I want to focus on numerator first:
Code: Select all
sum(if[ (lookup_actions_p.action = 'C' OR lookup_actions_p.action = 'CC') AND cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_face_raise AND cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_bet AND char_length(cash_hand_summary.str_aggressors_p) >= 2 AND (substring(cash_hand_summary.str_aggressors_p from 2 for 1)::int > cash_hand_player_statistics.position OR cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_has_position), 1, 0])
1) I know that there is Float F in 3bet Pot and it's count situations like 2bet/call or 3bet/call (lookup_actions_p.action = 'RC') but I thought the basic stat will sum all the floats. And it's weird cause looks like it count some of floats in 3bet+ pots: cold call 3bet+ or call 2bet then the squeez?

2)(substring(cash_hand_summary.str_aggressors_p from 2 for 1)::int > cash_hand_player_statistics.position Here we checking the position of second aggressor (2bet) and compare it to active player position. What does ::int do?

3)Let say we had hand like this: BU 2bet, SB 3bet, BB calls, BU calls. F:xxx SB checks, BB bets (float) ...
In this hand BB cnt_f_float = 0, because it compare BB(8) position with the second aggressor (BU=0) not the last one (SB=9).
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Re: Float F stat

Postby kraada » Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:05 pm

(1) The basic stat gives you 2bet pot situations only. This is because a float is defined as calling one street to take it away if checked to on the next street. The only way you can do that on the flop is if you just flatted preflop.

(2) The string is of type string in the database. ::int converts it to an integer so that we can compare it to other integers (the position value is stored as an int).

(3) This should be counted in the 3bet pot situation not the unnamed one.
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Re: Float F stat

Postby Stratocaster » Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:01 pm

kraada wrote:(1) The basic stat gives you 2bet pot situations only. This is because a float is defined as calling one street to take it away if checked to on the next street. The only way you can do that on the flop is if you just flatted preflop.
OK, Float Flop stat should count only the floats in SRP, but there is char_length(cash_hand_summary.str_aggressors_p) >= 2. That means two or more bets preflop, it should be =2 right? Because now (as I wrote before) this stat counts situations like cold call 3bet+ or call 2bet and then sqz (am I wrong?).

kraada wrote:(3) This should be counted in the 3bet pot situation not the unnamed one.
Float F in 3bet Pot numerator (cnt_f_float_3bet_pot):
Code: Select all
sum(if[ cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_first_raise and lookup_actions_p.action = 'RC' and cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_has_position and cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_bet, 1, 0])
Yes it should be.
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Re: Float F stat

Postby kraada » Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:33 pm

Please create separate support tickets for these issues so that we can get them in our system and make sure they get resolved properly.
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Re: Float F stat

Postby Stratocaster » Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:39 pm

kraada wrote:Please create separate support tickets for these issues so that we can get them in our system and make sure they get resolved properly.
Done, 130826.
Posts: 41
Joined: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:43 pm

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