Using iPad and iPhone....

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Using iPad and iPhone....

Postby Mustangdood » Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:36 am

Just wondering the best way to track hands played on mobile devices. Now that apple has a pokerstars app, How do I manually import hands, I'm Still using PT3, I may upgade to 4 if I can figure out a good system that works for importing files played on my ipad or iphone. Any help appreciated. I tried getting the last week of files sent to my email, and it only gave me 200 hands, I'm sure ive played way more than that this last week and then how do i transfer them into the database? Haven't played for a few years but now with mobile i can play a bit more but need to configure things and get PT setup. Anyways Just looking at how others are doing this?
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Re: Using iPad and iPhone....

Postby WhiteRider » Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:04 am

Your hand histories aren't saved to your device when you play so you will need to request them from PokerStars support afterwards.
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