using LIve amt BB stat to make custom stats filtered?

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using LIve amt BB stat to make custom stats filtered?

Postby nik007 » Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:03 pm

Hi Pokertracker Staff I'm continue to try to arrive to my objective to have stats filtered for effective stacks and thanks to your help I can do something I know what I can do and what I can't do with pokertracker at the moment but suddenly I've remembered the use of the Live amt BB in the color condiction so I have this question:
I have these custom stats :Raise First In_eff_1_3: (cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_1_3 / cnt_p_open_opp_eff_1_3 ) and
Raise First In_eff_4_6 : (cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_4_6 / cnt_p_open_opp_eff_4_6 ) * 100

I've notced the Live AMt BB stat with it's colummns (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb) so I'm wondering if it's possible use it to join the two cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff columns above.
I want to say that I have cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_1_3 :
sum(if[tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_first_raise AND tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_open_opp AND
(tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) BETWEEN 1 and 3, 1, 0])

and the cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_4_6 :
sum(if[tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_first_raise AND tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_open_opp AND
(tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) BETWEEN 4 and 6, 1, 0])

Is it possible join them using the (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb) ? I'm not expert of sql or query but I mean something likecnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_1-6 :if (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb) BETWEEN 1-3 Then... use "cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_1_3", IF (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb) BETWEEN 4-6 ..THEN....yes my objective always if it's possible it's have only one first in raise stat on the hud filtered automatically without recurring at the build of a dedicated popup. If it's possible please try to join the two cnt_p_raise_raise_first_in_eff above with the (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb) value expression so that I can have a single colums but filtered like I need and I thing then it will possible for me go alone to join more columns.
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Re: using LIve amt BB stat to make custom stats filtered?

Postby kraada » Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:07 pm

Yes, you could do this in the format expression. You'd build your columns as you already did, then in your stat you'd test the value of the live stat and, if it matched the amount you want, have the stat output the appropriate column data. For more on custom formatting like this, see this post (it was written for PT3 but still applies in PT4).
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Re: using LIve amt BB stat to make custom stats filtered?

Postby nik007 » Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:12 pm

HI Kraada I've used your advices and serched on the forum but i'ts a little dificult for me considering my poor englidh too. So the only thing I've done it's to create the raise_first_in_filtered stat and in the Value Expression I've wrotten: if (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)>=1 and (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)<=3,(cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_1_3 / cnt_p_open_opp_eff_1_3 ) * 100 and it's validated. my problem is to add the second expression. I've tried:

if [(live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)>=1 and (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)<=3,(cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_1_3 / cnt_p_open_opp_eff_1_3 ) * 100,if[(live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)>=4 and (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)<=6,(cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_4_6 / cnt_p_open_opp_eff_4_6 ) * 100]] but I can't have the validation.
Please give me an other imput. I thinks the these two colums are enought for me to be the possibility to add the others colums alone. that's an important feature for me and I suppose for other sng players too.
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Re: using LIve amt BB stat to make custom stats filtered?

Postby kraada » Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:04 pm

This will give you the 1-3 or 4-6 numbers if in those ranges, and above that you'll get the unfiltered version:

if((live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)>=1 and (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)<=3, (cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_1_3 / cnt_p_open_opp_eff_1_3 ) * 100, if( (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)>=3 and (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)<=6, (cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_4_6 / cnt_p_open_opp_eff_4_6 ) * 100, (cnt_p_raise_first_in / cnt_p_open_opp) * 100))

The general structure is if( condition, then, else) - the condition is the test. If it's true the then part is run. If it's false the else part is run. I'm surprised your very first one actually validated, as that didn't contain any else portion at all.
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Re: using LIve amt BB stat to make custom stats filtered?

Postby nik007 » Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:17 pm

Hi Kraada I'm missing something. So the only thing I've done is created the new start raise_first_in_try. On the Value expression I have only :(live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb). On the format type expression I've pcutted and pasted your formula :
if((live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)>=1 and (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)<=3, (cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_1_3 / cnt_p_open_opp_eff_1_3 ) * 100, if( (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)>=3 and (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)<=6, (cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_4_6 / cnt_p_open_opp_eff_4_6 ) * 100, (cnt_p_raise_first_in / cnt_p_open_opp) * 100)) and it's validated. I've tried on the hud but I receive the error : error: expression invalid number of arguments passed to function 'format_number'(expeting4, received 1).
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Re: using LIve amt BB stat to make custom stats filtered?

Postby kraada » Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:18 am

Please restart PT4 using the Logging Enabled link on your Start Menu and reproduce this problem. Then please send us the PokerTracker4.log file via a support ticket so that we can investigate this further for you. You can find this file by clicking File -> Open User Data Folder in the main PT4 window. The file we need is the text file called PokerTracker that's in the folder that appears. If you could also export the stat and attach that to the ticket that would help too.
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Re: using LIve amt BB stat to make custom stats filtered?

Postby nik007 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:12 pm

Hi Kraada I've tried again today on the beta again like yesterday and today the error message is desappeared but I've discovered that I have problem on my popup filtered stats too. sometimes they works sometimes no .So my solution is recreate the popup with the same stats so all return to work but suddenly it can stop working again. I do'n know why. I've encountered this problem about 5 days ago but I was thinking was my mistake .I't seem that this beta can change behevior at the start...On the logs I've sent you like bug report I've played a session with popupfiltered stats working and not working so I hope you can find the problem.

About the filtered stats I'm triying to make working I've tried on the stable version and I've adapted on PT3 too but the value I obtain on the hud is the Live AMt BB value (that I have on my hud like separat stat) that it's the value expression.So I don't know if the formula it's correct
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Re: using LIve amt BB stat to make custom stats filtered?

Postby kraada » Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:43 am

Live stats work very differently in PT3 than they do in PT4 so it's entirely possible this will work in 4 but not in 3.
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Re: using LIve amt BB stat to make custom stats filtered?

Postby nik007 » Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:01 pm

I've Kraada but it doesn't work on PT4 4.04.1 stable too. So I've reduced the expression to better understand where it's wrong and I'm using the PT4 stable release this time.
I have 2 columns :
cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_1_3 : sum(if[tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_first_raise AND tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_open_opp AND
(tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) >=1 and (tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb)<= 3, 1, 0])
cnt_p_open_opp_eff_1_3: sum(if[tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_open_opp AND
(tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) >=1 and (tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb)<= 3, 1, 0])
Then I've created the custom stat Raise_first_try : on the Value expression I have : (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb) . and on the Format Type Expression : if((live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)>=1 and (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb)<=3, (cnt_p_raise_first_in_eff_1_3 / cnt_p_open_opp_eff_1_3 ) * 100, (cnt_p_raise_first_in / cnt_p_open_opp) * 100)
All is validated. So I enter on the hud Profile editor I put the raise_first_try stat and on the preview I notice XYZ and not 99 like it has to be. Then I open one table and the the "raise_first_try_ stat value is the same of the "Live Amt BB" that I have like separate stat in the hud.
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Re: using LIve amt BB stat to make custom stats filtered?

Postby kraada » Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:18 pm

You cannot downgrade to the stable from the current beta (we made many changes including database changes and downgrading will cause many things to break). Please upgrade back to the beta and try again and let me know if that works any differently for you.
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