
Experiencing technical difficulties? Think you've found a problem with PokerTracker 3? Report it here.

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Postby eraser066 » Wed May 14, 2008 12:26 am

I paid and registered poker Tracker 3.. now when I start it I get the following dialog box:

This version of PokerTracker is about to expire.

Please download the newest version
Posts: 27
Joined: Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:29 am

Re: Registration?

Postby APerfect10 » Wed May 14, 2008 1:32 am

eraser066 wrote:I paid and registered poker Tracker 3.. now when I start it I get the following dialog box:

This version of PokerTracker is about to expire.

Please download the newest version

The version will not expire until the end of the day on Thursday, at which time, the commercial version will be available and you will be able to enter your PokerTracker 3 registration code into it via Help->About.

Best regards,

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