pt4 failed with postgreSQL

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pt4 failed with postgreSQL

Postby MARTIN.CUERV » Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:06 am

good morning, I'm from Argentina
I registered yesterday and try downloading the pt4
when I went to run failed with postgreSQL. maybe it's the password or something with the database.
can help me with this issue?
thank you very much!
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Re: pt4 failed with postgreSQL

Postby kraada » Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:17 am

Is PostgreSQL installed on your machine right now?
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Re: pt4 failed with postgreSQL

Postby MARTIN.CUERV » Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:33 am

Do not know
Pt4 was unloaded and when I went to connect postgreSQL window appeared. but to get there.
kraada thanks!
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Re: pt4 failed with postgreSQL

Postby kraada » Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:41 am

Click Start, type services.msc and click on it when it appears. In the list look for PostgreSQL - do you see it? If not you'll need to install PostgreSQL. Let me know if you're running a 64 bit machine or not - if so I can give you a better installer to use.
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Re: pt4 failed with postgreSQL

Postby MARTIN.CUERV » Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:07 am

I did not install the PostgreSQL.
I appeared directly on the computer when I went to run the PT4.
You say that I must first install the PostgreSQL??
From where I can download it??
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Re: pt4 failed with postgreSQL

Postby kraada » Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:13 am

PT4 should prompt you to download it if you never had it before, but it seems that didn't happen.

Do you have 64 bit Windows? That will affect which link you want - once I know which one you need (64 bit or 32 bit) I'll give you the direct download link.
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Re: pt4 failed with postgreSQL

Postby MARTIN.CUERV » Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:53 pm

thanks krada
just arrived from work
I have windows 7, but do not know if it is 32 or 64 bits
when trying to connect I get now 29 days use. and again I try to connect I get the window PostgreSQL.
I said so: Configure Server PostrgradeSQL
And down in the box reads:

PostrgradeSQL Server Information
Server: localhost Database user: postgres
Port: 5432 Password: dbpass

Pressed connect and I get the window again to check poker traker settings

Thanks again
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Re: pt4 failed with postgreSQL

Postby Gutshop » Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:38 am

I have the same problem about checking the configuration. When I downloaded PT4 i didn't see anything related about postgre installation.
Does it mean that I have to install it apart?

I have checked it on services and it does not appear. I have window vista 32 bits.

One more think Why is it not installed at the same time than PT4? I tried to install PT4 again from scratch using Ccleaner and removing everything so it should be prompted to be installed while PT4?

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Re: pt4 failed with postgreSQL

Postby kraada » Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:54 am

We check registry keys to see if PostgreSQL has been installed. If it was installed previously for another program sometimes those keys can be left behind. PostgreSQL is required for PT4 to work, so if you don't have it you will need to install it.

For 64 bit windows you want to use PostgreSQL 9.0.11 from here.
For 32 bit windows you want to use 9.0.11 but with this installer.

If you're not sure, try 64 first - if it installs you've got 64 bit windows. If you don't it'll tell you that it won't work during the installation and you can delete the installer and then grab the 32 bit version.

After you install it, in that configuration window use whatever password you entered during the installation process (dbpass is just our default, and you can use that one if you like to make things simpler) and then you should be able to connect and proceed from there.
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Re: pt4 failed with postgreSQL

Postby MARTIN.CUERV » Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:10 am

Now I understood.
I will check your system and will download the appropriate.
We keep abreast
thank you very much
Posts: 11
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