Duplicates after restarting PT3

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Duplicates after restarting PT3

Postby Realization » Wed May 14, 2008 1:32 pm

I had to close PT3 because of an error when I was clicking on EDIT in sime HUD menu (silly),
I started it again and it imported all the HHs again I already had, 470 Duplicates. What can I do ?

EDIT: It,s when I press Configure: HUDstats : Cashgame: HUD Options and then in Player Ranges on EDIT. PT3 shuts down immediately every time.
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Re: Duplicates after restarting PT3

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 14, 2008 3:14 pm

Thank you - this is a known bug which is fixed for the next release.
Don't worry about the duplicates - they are just hand histories which had already been read, so auto-import ignored them second time round.
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