Converting a Hand stat to a Players stat?

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Converting a Hand stat to a Players stat?

Postby pt4pt4pt4 » Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:31 pm

This is the Players Columns:



This is the hands Columns:



This is the Hand Stat that I have that I would like to display in my Players reports and graphs instead of amt_expected_won

(val_allin_equity *amt_bet_p)

if(flg_wtsd AND flg_allin AND val_allin_equity > 0, format('{1}', format_number((val_allin_equity *amt_bet_p), 2, false, false)), ' ')

Is this possible?
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Re: Converting a Hand stat to a Players stat?

Postby kraada » Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:22 am

The equity stored is not the equity that you had preflop - if you had 10% to win on the turn when the money went in, that is what is in the database. Are you sure this is what you want then? Multiplying the 10% you had to win on the turn by the 100 chips you put in preflop doesn't seem like it would provide useful information.
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Re: Converting a Hand stat to a Players stat?

Postby pt4pt4pt4 » Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:19 am

kraada wrote:The equity stored is not the equity that you had preflop - if you had 10% to win on the turn when the money went in, that is what is in the database. Are you sure this is what you want then? Multiplying the 10% you had to win on the turn by the 100 chips you put in preflop doesn't seem like it would provide useful information.

Not what I tested it seems. Equity stored at PF with my quick filters is accurate

This stat is to replace the faulty stat of ALL IN Equity Adjusted Amount which is off by 6 % in the test that I did.

What I did was DL your AA vs KK Filter and set my hands only to AA.
Then I quick Filtered out split / side pots and only 2 players that went to SD.

I then multiplied the ALL IN Equity stat that the PT4 displayed by the amount bet preflop and the results were almost dead on of what was expected if you won aprox 82 % of the pot combined with all hands.

The PT4 stat of ALL IN Equity Adjusted Amount was off a lot compared to this formula. I need that accuracy in my graphs for SD & ALL IN. Question is how that ADJ stat affects the expected chips won and other variables?

It seems that as soon as someone limped in this stat adjusted the Equity regardless if they folded, and giving them some kind random of weight / value???

So for me, this stat

(val_allin_equity *amt_bet_p)

if(flg_wtsd AND flg_allin AND val_allin_equity > 0, format('{1}', format_number((val_allin_equity *amt_bet_p), 2, false, false)), ' ')

is very accurate.

If the Hand stat can't be converted to Players can Postgres store a user defined variable and use it?
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Re: Converting a Hand stat to a Players stat?

Postby kraada » Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:39 pm

It can be converted, your column would look like this:

sum(if[tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_showdown and tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_equity > 0, tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_equity * tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_bet_p, 0])

Then just use it in your stat.
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Re: Converting a Hand stat to a Players stat?

Postby pt4pt4pt4 » Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:14 pm

kraada wrote:It can be converted, your column would look like this:

sum(if[tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_showdown and tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_equity > 0, tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_equity * tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_bet_p, 0])

Then just use it in your stat.

This is same results as the original.

i can't see how you are going to get a different value unless you use

(val_allin_equity *amt_bet_p)

if(flg_wtsd AND flg_allin AND val_allin_equity > 0, format('{1}', format_number((val_allin_equity *amt_bet_p), 2, false, false)), ' ')

I have taken up a lot of your time so if you can point to me an example of converting a Hand stat to a Players stat I'll try to figure it out and if you have an example of asssigning a user defined variable that can be accessed by both type of stats, I'll take a shot at it.
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Re: Converting a Hand stat to a Players stat?

Postby kraada » Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:29 pm

That column I put together adds up all of the equity times the amount put in preflop every time you were all-in and there was equity. That should be the same as doing it hand for hand.
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Re: Converting a Hand stat to a Players stat?

Postby pt4pt4pt4 » Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:50 pm

Your Players stat of ALL IN Equity is faulty. That's why you have to use this equity from the Hand stat that i posted.

In my test I calculated what the percentage was being multiplied by ALL IN Equity using Players stat or the one I posted. here is the results:

Column A is the PT4 stat of Net Won in Chips Adjusted by ALL-In-Equity

Column B is using the Hands stat I posted.

Notice that the Hand stat (B) multiplies the aprox value of 82% for Equity of 43 occurrences of AA vs KK, where stat A uses values that only the PT4 Devs understand for Equity values.


Code: Select all
86.99%   81.95%
98.71%   81.95%
114.08%   81.95%
93.72%   81.95%
73.58%   81.96%
71.87%   81.94%
71.21%   81.95%
62.69%   81.94%
76.70%   81.96%
67.31%   81.94%
68.56%   81.96%
76.12%   81.95%
63.54%   81.93%
66.71%   81.97%
75.09%   81.95%
69.90%   81.97%
81.45%   81.93%
75.88%   81.93%
76.77%   81.93%
77.01%   81.93%
69.90%   81.93%
101.06%   81.93%
67.17%   81.93%
65.56%   81.96%
64.44%   81.93%
64.13%   81.93%
66.45%   81.94%
88.48%   82.00%
92.82%   82.00%
82.16%   81.96%
83.04%   81.93%
66.61%   81.93%
81.61%   81.95%
24.51%   81.95%
68.20%   82.00%
81.27%   81.94%
64.17%   81.94%
72.25%   81.95%
87.59%   81.98%
77.09%   82.02%
77.19%   81.86%
79.44%   81.95%
67.10%   81.98%

Summed Equity Averages:

Code: Select all
75.35%    81.95%


Expected Chips Won

Code: Select all
77,183       80,428


Actual Chips Won


The faulty stat says that I am running about 3.6% (3 k Chips) over projected expectations where as the Hand Stat is right on, minus 400 hundred chuips.

So how can PT4 calculate that AA vs KK in SD with no side / split pots has equity of only 75.35% Average?
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Re: Converting a Hand stat to a Players stat?

Postby pt4pt4pt4 » Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:30 pm


Blinds 800/1600 ante 200 (8 Players)


Player A (74.673 K Chips) - Raises 3.2 K chips

POT 7.2 K Chips

Hero AA (17.77 K chips) - Raises 7.2 K Chips

POT 14.4 K Chips

Player B - KK (44.865 K Chips) - Raises ALL IN

POT 59.285 K Chips

Player A Folds

Hero Calls 10.57 k Chips

POT 41.140 K Chips

ALL IN Equity = 81.95 % (AA vs KK)

Pot - Hero Total PF Bet = 41.140 K - 17.770 K = 23.37 K Chips

Expected Chips to Win = Equity * 23.37 K Chips = 81.95 % * 23.37 K Chips

= 19.152 K Chips

Chips Expected to Win

Anything wrong with this?

The Net Won in Chips Adjusted by ALL-In-Equity says I should expect to win 15.458 k Chips
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Re: Converting a Hand stat to a Players stat?

Postby kraada » Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:18 pm

If you attach that hand to a support ticket we'll look into this.

As I've said three times, the column I gave you sums up exactly what you've asked to sum up. I do not know how to be clearer about that.
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