Need help with notetracker not catching this

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Need help with notetracker not catching this

Postby thename1000 » Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:28 pm


I have an auto note that is supposed to note what hands villain calls a 3bet jam with IP 18bb+ in a hyper husng.

My filters are:

Player: (Called preflop called 3bet) AND (faced allin preflop) AND (eff stack size 18-100)
Opponent: Raised Preflop Any 3bet

So this catches a lot of spots where this happened but I just caught it missing one. It was a clear 25bb AI 3b jam so I don't see why it didn't work.

:) any ideas?
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Re: Need help with notetracker not catching this

Postby kraada » Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:26 am

Please export the note definition and the hand in question and attach them both to a support ticket and we'll take a look into this for you.
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Re: Need help with notetracker not catching this

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:28 am

Effective Stacks are determined at the player's first action, so if there was a player yet to act behind who caused the effective stacks to be outside that range it would prevent this note being taken even if that player folded.

Player A (100BB) 2bets
Player B (50BB) folds
Player C (25BB) 3bets
Player A calls

At the point of Player A's first action their effective stack is 50BB due to Player B still being in the hand.
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