Postgres db rescue

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Postgres db rescue

Postby Oliv » Thu May 15, 2008 5:40 pm

Hi, I had several issues with the hand import. I have about 50k FT hands which I didn't think was too much but the import was very slow so I went on to try the site import to see if it was faster and before doing that and in order to avoid duplicate, I purged the database. Then tried again and because I didn't see any improvements, I eventually uninstall both postgresql and pt3 and reinstall them. Now somehow the hands stored in the Full Tilt hand history files are gone so there is nothing to import in PT3. That being said I went into the recycling bin and looked for the postgressql db to see if the files are still there and because of the size of the directory, I think they may be. So my question is can I copy/paste the files from that db into the active PT3 db and have them recognized by pt3 and also how do I find the active pt3 db on the HD?
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Re: Postgres db rescue

Postby WhiteRider » Thu May 15, 2008 5:46 pm

Was one of the imports an Auto-Import (you say "site import")?
This would probably have moved the files it processed - have a look at the auto import tab and note where "move processed files to" is configured to - have a look in that folder, your files might be there.
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Re: Postgres db rescue

Postby Oliv » Thu May 15, 2008 5:56 pm

I used both autoimport and manual import.
I found the "processed" folder and I assume it has all the hands I initially imported, that is before I got bored and couldn't wait for the rest of the hands to be imported at the rate of 10h/min or so. The question is do you think that if I put these files into the processed folder of PT3 would they be recognized? (I'd try it but I uninstall pt3 and wait for the commercial version to be released)
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Re: Postgres db rescue

Postby WhiteRider » Thu May 15, 2008 6:00 pm

Yes, you should be able to re-import the files. Best to do bulk imports using manual import - it is much faster than auto-import.
Also, you do not need to uninstall PT3 before you install a new version.
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Re: Postgres db rescue

Postby Oliv » Thu May 15, 2008 6:47 pm

I reinstalled PT3 beta11 and imported the files from the "processed" folder. It worked great and the import was fast (70h/s).
Thanks a bunch for the help!
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Joined: Tue May 13, 2008 3:01 pm

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