Initial Impression

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Initial Impression

Postby jchysk » Thu May 15, 2008 8:49 pm

Running Windows XP in a VirtualBox on a Quad Core 2.8 w/ 4GB 1066 Ram.
Client: Pokerstars
No external scripts.

Created a new database and imported 100K cash hands for Pokerstars in ~13 minutes, another 1.25 minutes for clustering. So very fast.
Tried multitabling and was reluctant to bring up a lot of tables at once because of experiences with the Betas.
Started off at 16 tables and noticed some lag, it was sometimes difficult to reload and if 3-4 hands were going on at once it would have momentary visual freezes. Still bearable though, and the HUD in PT3 is so much more valuable than PAH that it still seems worth it. After playing about 15 minutes this way I opened up a few more tables and at about 20 I felt like the lag was too much. It's certainly better than Beta 11, but I'm a little disappointed. If I run PT3 on my other system or unemulated it might be able to 24 table but I'm sure there'd still be some lag.
The HUD works great, colors, refresh rates, players, filters.

I'll try some sessions at Full Tilt later to try out TableTracker which I'm pretty excited about.
Anyway, keep up the good work and I look forward to some efficiency patches soon. ^_^
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Re: Initial Impression

Postby Josh » Thu May 15, 2008 10:29 pm

We plan on doing some major performance enhancements on the Hud. Enhancements that I had hoped wouldn't be necessary but are. These changes should solve all lag problems once and for all.
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