You appear to have both PostgreSQL 9.1 and 9.2 installed. Neither of these versions are supported - they have problems which are known to cause corruption in your database. You should revert to PostgreSQL 9.0.
If you still have problems please attach your new log file to a Support Ticket so that we can pass them on to the development team if needed. We cannot go into as much detail with you as we may need to via the forums.
You can install 9.0 from the PostgreSQL download page, as you did for your other PostgreSQL versions. If you pick a different port number during the installation you can run it alongside your existing versions, but you should only use 9.0 with PokerTracker. Once you've installed 9.0 create a new database using the port you specified during the installation, and re-import your hands.
just an update. Installed postfresql 9.0 removed 9.1. Importes my played hands and some of the observed hands. it is faster now that de database is much smaller, importingat 90h/s and reports in 30s. will give another update by the end of the week when the database will be bigger tks for the support
What version of PostgreSQL do you recommend? I am using v8.3.9 and after tuning the database, reports run fine if not faster than in PT3. Are there any benefits to moving to 9.0?
9.0 has some slight speed improvements - if you're on a 32 bit machine they won't be that noticeable for you. A 64 bit machine with more than 4G of RAM will see a bigger benefit from the 64 bit version of 9.0, though exactly how much depends on your exact specs and the size of your database. Whether it's worth the hassle of course depends upon your usage patterns -- but if you do decide to go for it, backup your database before doing anything. Then you can just uninstall 8.3, install 9.0 and restore from backup and everything should be all set (though of course writing the data can take a while depending on the speed of your drive and the size of your database).