You recently helped me fixed my PT2 w/ a patch.
Ever since a new Pokerstars update before this my PAHUD stopped updating.
My PT2 is working fine now, but when I open PAHUD i get this:
SQL Connection Exeption: Error fetching information: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Connection not open
My previous stats on people show up, but nothing new is showing up.
I'm using HH files under preferences. No flickerfree. And C:\Program Files\Pokerstars\HandHistory as my directory
Oh, and I'm pretty sure I'm NOT using a postreqsql db w/ my PT2, so this message is strange
UPDATE: I just tried opening PT2 and got a window w/ header: ODBC microsoft Access Driver Login Failed
Could not use 'l'; file already in use ok/cancel
I hit ok and another login window w/ Data Source=PTRACK The login name is there as: admin, but the password is blank and no idea what it is
lol ^^^^^^^the above happened when I opened PT2 AFTER my PAHUD was open, but my PT2 opens fine when PAHUD is not open (which i understand im not suppose to open till after my PT2 is running)
sry for the overload