HUD Causing Serious Problems On Ipoker

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HUD Causing Serious Problems On Ipoker

Postby oracle3001 » Fri May 16, 2008 2:55 pm

I am playing on ipoker, and for the most part beta 10 and beta 11 worked OK for me.

I have created new DB's, and reimported all my hands. I have 3 DB's, each of about a million hands.

Now I have just tried to play my first session using the commercial version, and PT3 keeps crashing time after time as soon as the HUD attempts to start showing stats. Each time, i start the auto-import, and after a few hands the PT icon shows up on the table, but no stats. Then after another few minutes one of several things happens:-

1) PT3 freezes, and in doing so freezes the ipoker client.
2) PT3 simply crashes
3) PT3 complains about an access violation and tells me to restart PT3 in order to get the HUD up. However, if I do that I then suffer problems one of the problems mentioned in this list.

The best I have managed is to get the stats showing for literally 2-3 hands (and only the "always visible" stats were there, no pop-up ones). During all of this the CPU usage remains fairly low (never hitting 100%) and there is plenty of free memory.

I have tried having one table through to 4 tables using this testing period. I have also tried selecting anywhere between 1 and 3 of the various PT3 databases I have created.

Update:- I tried it on a micro stake and the HUD comes up fine (with pop-up stats). However I obviously don't have any datamined stats for that level, and as soon as I return to my usual level I get problems.
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Re: HUD Causing Serious Problems On Ipoker

Postby oracle3001 » Fri May 16, 2008 3:12 pm

I have also noticed that in the log file the following sort of statements getting printed

2008/05/16 19:57:12.468: [00000188][PostgresConnection (Error)] Unable to execute query: COPY holdem_hand_summary FROM STDIN;; Reason: Fatal Error (ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "hhs-unique_hand_no" CONTEXT: COPY holdem_hand_summary, line 1: "459808 400 6 113 974770373 2008/05/10 13:22:44 2008/05/16 19:57:12 6 0 0 0 28.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.0..." )
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Re: HUD Causing Serious Problems On Ipoker

Postby WhiteRider » Fri May 16, 2008 3:23 pm

Submit your log file to the Support system.
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Re: HUD Causing Serious Problems On Ipoker

Postby oracle3001 » Fri May 16, 2008 3:27 pm

Managed to get the HUD to stay up for a few hands at last. However, the stats shown in the HUD i.e. no hands / vpip / pfr etc, don't reflect what is in the DB's!

I have compared players stats with what SpadeEye thinks I have when looking at the same set of DB's. One on particular table, the HUD says I have the following no of hands on the players,


In comparison, SpadeEye has


I have checked that names of the players against each other. This was the same for all the tables I had up.
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Re: HUD Causing Serious Problems On Ipoker

Postby WhiteRider » Fri May 16, 2008 3:29 pm

On the Configure HUD window - HUD Options, check that the correct database(s) is selected.
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Re: HUD Causing Serious Problems On Ipoker

Postby oracle3001 » Fri May 16, 2008 3:30 pm

Yeap all the same ones selected.

Quite annoyingly the HUD hasn't frozen or crashed over the past 20 minutes. Before that I didn't have the log enabled. I will keep the logging turned on, and should a freeze / crash occur I fire submit a ticket to the support system.
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Re: HUD Causing Serious Problems On Ipoker

Postby oracle3001 » Fri May 16, 2008 3:57 pm

I have discovered the difference in stats to some extent and I have screenshots if you want me to send them to you to prove this problem.

I definitely have all the DB's selected in both PT3 and SpadeEye. I then looked in only the Main DB for the stats on the players at the table, and they match the stats shown on the HUD. So basically for whatever reason PT3 is not picking up the stats from the other DB's, or if it is still processing the other DB's it is taking a very long time about it. During my test, I had the table and HUD up for a good 10-15 mins and the the missing hands didn't show up.
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Re: HUD Causing Serious Problems On Ipoker

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 5:49 pm

Please attach the screenshots and the log file to a support ticket.
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Re: HUD Causing Serious Problems On Ipoker

Postby oracle3001 » Fri May 16, 2008 6:30 pm

Submitted all that regarding multiple DB's etc - Support Ticket #10442
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