You Did It! Looking Back To 2011...

Questions and discussion about PokerTracker 4 for Windows

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You Did It! Looking Back To 2011...

Postby Navrark » Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:13 am

I meant to post this in the PT4 part of the forum. These are some quotes from a thread from September 2011. I quite liked PT3 but it was missing a specific feature. I was concerned that PokerTracker would not be able to "catch up" to Holdem Manager in features. But it appears that you were able to keep your promise.

APerfect10 wrote:Regarding LB and SnG Wiz, we are building our own functionality and including it in PT4, at no additional cost.

Best regards,


Navrark wrote: Well, I purchased HEM + Leak Buster a few months back, because I was fearful that you would fail to deliver on this point. I knew that if your software did not include the functionality that Leak Buster and SNG Wiz added to HEM, that you would eventually be swept out of the market by your competitor. I am impressed that your business was able to see and take seriously the need to compete in these areas.

The only thing necessary now, is to see how well you deliver on these promises. Will your implementation of these features be of a high enough quality, that will allow you to successfully compete with HEM?

StevenM wrote: I can assure you that many of the new features found in PT4 will not be available in HEM unless you plan on spending hundreds extra for add-ons from third party applications that are sold within HEM, yet we have managed to maintain a small footprint and avoid turning our app into bloatware.

PS: PokerTracker was first to the field and is celebrating it's 10th anniversary, all the stats that are commonly found in other applications started with PokerTracker innovation - we have been are the #1 selling poker tracking application for the past decade - and if we deliver the application that the users expect with PT4 then we expect a lot of converts that used to be loyal to our competitors.

This is very true. ^^^ A lot of people talk online that PT4 is the better option simply because of what is included for free. It's like they quote StevenM word for word. I'm really impressed!

I'm going to keep using HM1 for as long as it's supported. But eventually I'll have to decide between PT4 & HM2. Despite having almost $24 off HM2 available to me, I think I would be more likely to go with PT4 at this point. But I'll think harder about it when the time comes. I just wanted to throw out a congratulations for your well-deserved success, and to say that I kind of wish I had gone with PT3 instead of HM1, because I would now likely have a discount towards PT4. I can't remember if you were offering that upgrade discount at that time or not.
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:25 am

Re: You Did It! Looking Back To 2011...

Postby kraada » Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:57 am

We've always been offering a discount for PT4 users to our PT3 customers, but either way I'm glad to hear you'll be joining us :)
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Re: You Did It! Looking Back To 2011...

Postby Navrark » Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:26 pm

I took advantage today of your offer to upgrade HM1 to PT4. I sent off a screenshot and paid for the small stakes version of Hold'em. I've been using the Free Trial for about 3 weeks. I don't like your ICM Trainer as much as the Pokerstrategy ICM Trainer. Pokerstrategy's ICM Trainer shows you immediately after each practice hand what the correct play was. PT4's ICM Trainer makes you go through 10+ practice hands before showing mistakes. I think it's easier to learn with Pokerstrategy's Trainer. That's just my opinion but I'll play with PT4's implementation a bit further and see if there are any advantages with it. I'm sure you gentlemen have accounts at Pokerstrategy as well so you can give their ICM Trainer a spin and compare for yourself. Otherwise, I'm glad to be a PT4 user now. Thanks!
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:25 am

Re: You Did It! Looking Back To 2011...

Postby kraada » Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:14 am

You can change the number of hands in the ICM quiz in the first window before the quiz starts -- the default is 10 but you can set it to whatever you like (though you have to finish the quiz before you can see your results).
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