Build 2 wont install

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Build 2 wont install

Postby DaveUO » Fri May 16, 2008 5:36 pm

I downloaded build 1 yesterday and got it working fine. Today I tried downloading build 2 without PostgreSQL as instructed. It downloads and then when I click install the error message that comes up is:

Error opening file for writing:

Click Abort to stop the installation,
retry to try again or
Ignore to skip this file.

I am on Vista and have pokertracker3 set to run as admin. Any help would be greatyly appreciated. I guess I could just uninstall the original version and install this one, but I had customized quite a few things already.
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Joined: Fri May 16, 2008 8:22 am

Re: Build 2 wont install

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 5:58 pm

Make sure you close PT3 before trying to install the new update. If that doesn't work, try rebooting your computer.
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