Hud bug on FTP

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Hud bug on FTP

Postby Suerte » Fri May 16, 2008 7:09 pm

I tired using the new hud on FTP, and the little hud box thing comes up on the tables, but no stats. I had it working a little bit on beta 10 but now i cannot get it to work. I tried clicking the hud box thing to configure stats and it crashed PT3 as well as FTP.

I know you have thousads of issues, but if I can help in some way with this problem... let me know. Also, I say this in the most patient way, but can you make those filters to only show players last x number of hands in the hud? As well as a way to move the stats around on the tables wherever I want them... just like PAH. Also, I want you to do my laundry and pay my bills...... haha thanks guys.
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Re: Hud bug on FTP

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 8:57 pm

Does it crash every time you try to adjust the layout?
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Re: Hud bug on FTP

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 17, 2008 4:59 am

Suerte wrote:can you make those filters to only show players last x number of hands in the hud?

This is planned.
[qutoe] As well as a way to move the stats around on the tables wherever I want them[/quote]
Right click and drag the stats. Remember to PT-icon Save Layout..
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