Trouble with registration

General discussion of PokerTracker 3.

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Re: Trouble with registration

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 8:44 pm

Doug, you should have your registration code now. Sorry about the delay, we are REALLY backed up on some things, but we're working hard to catch up.
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Re: Trouble with registration

Postby JLimbs » Sat May 17, 2008 1:05 am

SpartanDoug wrote:Well, I still don't have my registration code and I haven't heard back from anyone in regards to my support ticket that I filled out this morning. I saw another thread where I was supposed to PM one of the admins for the code, and no response there either. I also sent a completely separate email to the support staff and again, nothing.

I'm trying hard to stay positive but can somebody please help me get this code?!? I purchased this nearly 24 hours ago and still I have no access.

Also, I can't even get into the trial version anymore (I just installed build 2).

Ditto for me too. I paid more then 24 hours ago and created a support ticket, still no code or response to my ticket.
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