
General discussion of PokerTracker 3.

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Re: Tabletracker

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 5:05 pm

I can't give away exactly how the information is gathered, mainly because I didn't write it. :) We partnered with another company to offer this service to you, and they handle the backend servers.

"Anyway you'll come up with a one time price for Table Tracker, instead of monthly?"
Unlikely. Since the TableTracker servers cost monthly maintenance, we need to have monthly income coming in from it.

The PT3 no limit naming scheme is "$<BB> NL". It's the big blind, not the buyin. All sites will use this for consistency.
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Re: Tabletracker

Postby DaveAK » Fri May 16, 2008 5:20 pm

So will the monthly subscription fee actually be monthly, i.e. you won't ask for 12 months in advance like others do?

I wish I could see this in action, but I'm holding off on my purchase right now. I'm a little dissapointed that auto-rate didn't make it over to PT3, seeing as it's a long standing feature. The HUD does look good though.
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Re: Tabletracker

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 5:24 pm

We will be offering different levels of subscriptions. The more months you pay for upfront, the bigger discount you'll get.

We hope to have all the features that are in PT2 that PT3 is missing within the next two months.
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Re: Tabletracker

Postby DaveAK » Fri May 16, 2008 5:28 pm

Josh wrote:We will be offering different levels of subscriptions. The more months you pay for upfront, the bigger discount you'll get.

We hope to have all the features that are in PT2 that PT3 is missing within the next two months.

Sounds good. I'll stick with the demo a while longer, and hope I don't loose my bankroll before I'm ready to purchase. :D
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Re: Tabletracker

Postby mosaicAce » Fri May 16, 2008 7:24 pm

so im confused about this "table tracker"
as of now, using full tilt poker you can open multiple tables and datamine overnight, all day etc; and then have the stats come up the next time you play. simply just with the hud option.
are you guys saying that this table tracker will keep all the stats and instead of comming up when you sit down, it shows you before you sit in some little window or something? please explain this. im also upset that you are offering a software for sale that still isnt finished. now the people that were using it have to buy it and still be working with new features getting added, bugs etc... why not just finish it first?
i will buy poker tracker if i can continue to datamine and use those stats when i sit down, but not if i have to pay monthly for it.
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Re: Tabletracker

Postby Peligroso » Fri May 16, 2008 7:53 pm

mosaicAce wrote:so im confused about this "table tracker"
as of now, using full tilt poker you can open multiple tables and datamine overnight, all day etc; and then have the stats come up the next time you play. simply just with the hud option.
are you guys saying that this table tracker will keep all the stats and instead of comming up when you sit down, it shows you before you sit in some little window or something? please explain this. im also upset that you are offering a software for sale that still isnt finished. now the people that were using it have to buy it and still be working with new features getting added, bugs etc... why not just finish it first?
i will buy poker tracker if i can continue to datamine and use those stats when i sit down, but not if i have to pay monthly for it.
TableTracker doesn't "replace" the HUD function. You'll still be able to do just like you've always been doing, datamine, sit down and have the stats showing up at the tables (already with far more stat options than PAHud had, and many more features are incoming).

TableTracker is an optional add-on that you don't have to use, so you don't need to pay for it if you don't want it. In TableTracker (which appears as a tab in the PT3 application), you can choose the limit that you play, as well as the sites where you've got accounts and stats and then click a search button, and it will list all the tables of that limit and all the statistics that you have on the players. That helps a lot when you're about to sit down to play a session since you can see which tables that are mostly losing players and so on. There are some screenshots and information available here: ... racker.php

Also, releasing a piece of software and then adding features and fixing bugs is not something new. Tonnes of software does this, check games and poker clients just to pick a couple of examples, they add new things and they fix bugs all the time (at least the good ones). It's almost impossible to guarantee a bug free software.
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Re: Tabletracker

Postby WillHellmuth » Fri May 16, 2008 7:57 pm

i have 2 question:

does Pokerroom have its own player pool? i always thought its part of the ongame network
when will table tracker work with everest? it has 0 hans from everyone there.

thank you
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Re: Tabletracker

Postby Peligroso » Fri May 16, 2008 8:00 pm

WillHellmuth wrote:i have 2 question:

does Pokerroom have its own player pool? i always thought its part of the ongame network
when will table tracker work with everest? it has 0 hans from everyone there.

thank you

I'm not sure on either of these, but if I'm not mistaken, PokerRoom does have some tables that are unique to PokerRoom. Could very well be wrong though.

About Everest, I can't test myself since I haven't got Everest hand histories, but are you certain you're choosing the correct limit? There seems to be some confusion about the limits to pick since PT uses $"BB" NL instead of $"maxbuyin" NL (this is because of some tables allowing 200BB buyins etc.).
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Re: Tabletracker

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 8:48 pm

PokerRoom has tables that aren't on other OnGame skins, and OnGame skins have some tables that PokerRoom doesn't have. That's why they are two separate entries.

TableTracker uses your own personal database to show stats. If you don't have hands imported on your local computer, you won't see stats.
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Re: Tabletracker

Postby ClutchCity » Fri May 16, 2008 10:19 pm

Is table tracker functional yet? I'm trying to use it to find NL100-6 tables on Full Tilt. Only 12 out of a ton of tables appear. In addition, no stats on anyone are displaying at all. The only filter on is FT/NL 100. And nothing... :?
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