by leotsou » Sat May 17, 2008 12:13 am
Will PT3 recognize duplicate hands?
Here is my problem.
(1) I have a PT2 SQL database with all my hands.
(2) With my beta version I converted my database into PT3 and played 50 more hands.
(3) I installed PT3 Build 1...commercial version and my database is unavailable until I get my registration key.
(4) I have to play everyday because of a promotion at FTP so I played on my PT2 database.
When I get my Registration Key and get PT3 to recognize the old database and then import from my PT2 database so I can get those 50 hands into the database, will PT3 recognize that it has imported those 500 hands before or will it add those like they were new hands even thought they have the same hand number from FTP?