Mutliple DBs Question

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Mutliple DBs Question

Postby Puzz » Fri May 16, 2008 5:07 pm

From your FAQ:

Should I have separate databases for observed and played hands?
This is up to you, and really depends on how many hands you will have.
More hands -> more need for separate DBs, but you don't have to separate them at all.
Regardless of how many DBs you use, the HUD will show combined stats (if you choose). NOTE: there is a bug in beta10 which means you can only use 1 DB, but this will be fixed for the next version.

Ok well here is my question/problem. I have a pretty big mined hands database and a slightly smaller played hands database - and split them up as you suggested. I think splitting is a very good idea as it allows me to get rid of old mined hands. Lets say I have 30k hands mined on Player A in the mined hands DB and 15k hands where I have actually played against Player A in my Played hands db. There seems to be no way to link these two DB's so that I can use filters on this player which cover both the mined hands DB and the played hands DB. So when I am using filters when the played hands db is active, I am unfortunately not getting any of the hands which I have mined on the player. I know that ace hud succesfully displays a combination from both databases, but unfortunately this is not the case within the general (and other) tabs within poker tracker itself. Have I overlooked something? It would be great if we could have 2 DBs open at the same time, and have the General (and other) tabs display a combination of the statistics from both DBs...otherwise it is pretty useless having seprate DBs
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Re: Mutliple DBs Question

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 5:21 pm

The Tracker itself only shows data from one database. This is by design and the whole point of using separate databases to begin with.
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Re: Mutliple DBs Question

Postby WhiteRider » Fri May 16, 2008 6:00 pm

He makes a good point, though - if you want to analyse a particular opponent who you have played against, but also have observed hands on, you won't be able to analyse all his data together if it's in separate DBs. You might have 1000 hands in 1 DB, and 1000 in another.
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Re: Mutliple DBs Question

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 8:43 pm

If you need access to all the data at once in the Tracker, you'll need to import all the hands into a single database.
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Re: Mutliple DBs Question

Postby ClutchCity » Fri May 16, 2008 10:54 pm

I want to datamine as many hands as possible on my opponents. At the same time, I don't want my DB to get really slow several months and be slowed down from hands that aren't really relevant anymore. Making multiple DB's, one for my played hands and one for observed would seem to make sense then. BUT... If all of my hands on the players at my table are from the observed DB, and I'm sitting there with the played hands DB active and auto importing with 0 hands played with them... I won't have any stats on them will I? So what's the point...
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Re: Mutliple DBs Question

Postby Puzz » Fri May 16, 2008 11:55 pm

Clutch, ace hud uses a combination of stats from all databases - I think thats what you were asking about? So in terms of Ace hud - having multiple Dbs makes no difference and the stats are how they should be.

Josh, I think not allowing the possibility to filter through a combination of DBs is a very big let down (if this is done by design). I can assure you that any serious poker player who wants to make full use of PT3's filter awesomeness - will want to be able to search the entire stats on a player - not just a few. It really means that all the added functionality you have created to support observed hands going into separate db than mined hands will become useless - as noone who knows how good filters are will use separate dbs. I really encourage you to consider this issue further.
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Re: Mutliple DBs Question

Postby ClutchCity » Sat May 17, 2008 1:04 am

I was hoping someone would say that was the case. That's great news! Thanks Puzz
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Re: Mutliple DBs Question

Postby ClutchCity » Sat May 17, 2008 1:50 am

Okay, so I have a DB for my played hands and now a DB for my datamined ones. Right now the active DB is the played hands/main DB. BUT right now I'm datamining using the auto import. On preferences I have the "import observed hands" option set to my other(datmining) DB.

So the question is, I don't to set the datamined DB to be the active one while the auto import is running as long as that preference for observed hands is set, correct?
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Re: Mutliple DBs Question

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 17, 2008 4:33 am

ClutchCity wrote:Okay, so I have a DB for my played hands and now a DB for my datamined ones. Right now the active DB is the played hands/main DB. BUT right now I'm datamining using the auto import. On preferences I have the "import observed hands" option set to my other(datmining) DB.

So the question is, I don't to set the datamined DB to be the active one while the auto import is running as long as that preference for observed hands is set, correct?

The only thing the Active database affects is which stats are shown on the Texas Holdem tab.
Hands can be imported into other DBs and used on the HUD while they are not active.
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Re: Mutliple DBs Question

Postby p0lak » Sat May 17, 2008 7:56 am

HI i also got some databse question regarding the DB from the commercial release version.

I got about 120k HandsHistory on my computer which i do want to import into the new database. Someone told me the Import would be faster if i do it manually by import from file directory. And indeed i tried it and it was way faster than if i would have choosed the AutoImport opt. and selected the directory there.

So is there any difference by using manual import or auto import?? (I guess auto import is mainly therefore if im playing at the moment on a pokerskin that the hands get importet immediately,right) If i already have history on my PC its better to use the Manual Import?

And also i would like to know, where i can look up how big my database is actually, and how many hands i got in the DB?

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