group game levels in commercial release?

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group game levels in commercial release?

Postby soyscion » Thu May 15, 2008 8:44 pm

Hi there,
my problem is this:
When PT3 imports my PokerStars hands, they all go to the game level "$x/$y (6max)". However, when I play on iPoker, on 6-max tables as well, the stats show up in "$x/$". I practically have two game levels although it should be one only. How can I resolve that and clean up my db?
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Re: group game levels in commercial release?

Postby Josh » Thu May 15, 2008 10:28 pm

The only way to fix this currently is to purge the database and re-import, making sure that the "Adjust Qualifying Tables Limits" option is checked prior to re-importing.
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Re: group game levels in commercial release?

Postby davis » Sat May 17, 2008 1:56 am

where is that option "adjust qualifying table limits"?

*edit* found it
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Re: group game levels in commercial release?

Postby AntelopeSalad » Sat May 17, 2008 3:13 am

Do you expect you'll figure out a way to fix this without re-importing in the near future?

Went ahead and reimported anyways. I noticed in a few threads people had trouble with using PT3 exports.

1. Exported 52,513+ hands through PT3 (3.0 build 2)
2. Set the Adjust Qualified Tables Limits
3. Purged the DB
4. Manually imported the directory (99% 6 max cash, 1 donkament, 1 HU cash session)

Speed was actually better than using PT2's export (finished at 217h/s after doing half of it at 300+), and games are now correctly labeled by game type. 52,513 hands as well. Flawless.
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Re: group game levels in commercial release?

Postby AntelopeSalad » Sat May 17, 2008 3:41 am

Can't edit my post anymore. I spoke too soon.

For some reason it's incorrectly reporting a lot of limits/hands now, uh oh.

I'm not even sure where to begin, there's a ton of misplaced hands and some HHs are completely missing.

It's saying I played NL10 when it's actually a NL5 6 max table with 2 people. Then all of my NL10 6 max hands are labeled as NL50 2 max (over 15,000 hands).

There's a bunch of other misplacements too. 1 of the hands in the NL10 HU session (which was actually NL5 6-max with 2 people) won't even load but there's results for it.

Also when I goto the filters section it shows duplicate entries all over.
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Re: group game levels in commercial release?

Postby AntelopeSalad » Sat May 17, 2008 4:05 am

Went and purged the DB again. This time I imported the new hands I played today and put them in PT2, then let PT2 export the hands.

Finally went back and reimported them all into PT3. It's still pretty hosed but better than when PT3 did the exporting.

The 15k+ hands at NL25 are now showing up as NL25 6 max hands but the amount won/etc is all blank.

Also it continues to see a few NL5/NL25 6-max game as HU and quite a few of the hands cannot be read properly (can't read the HH, but the amount won/etc is there).

This is what my filter looks like too:
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Re: group game levels in commercial release?

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 17, 2008 5:36 am

AntelopeSalad wrote:Also it continues to see a few NL5/NL25 6-max game as HU and quite a few of the hands cannot be read properly (can't read the HH, but the amount won/etc is there).

Please submit some of these hand histories to the Support system so it can be investigated, and link to this topic.

I'm not sure whether the "Adjust qualifying tables" thing works for Manual Import, since it's on the auto-import tab. Haven't tried it myself, but it seems like it might be risky to enable it for a bulk import since you may not be sure that you don't have any non-qualifying hands included.
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Re: group game levels in commercial release?

Postby AntelopeSalad » Sat May 17, 2008 5:48 am

I sent out a support ticket.

It's strange really. Purging the DB does not alter what the filter menu shows. I ended up deleting the DB entirely then re-importing the hands from a PT2 export.

At this point it shows (6 max), etc. and nothing is bugged at all. The hand that wasn't readable is also being properly read. Also 'Adjust qualifying tables' is back to checked. Just did a short 100 hand session and from what I can tell it worked (the hands went under 6 max for the correct limit).
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Re: group game levels in commercial release?

Postby Josh » Sat May 17, 2008 11:09 am

There's a bug in the purge feature. If you restart PT3 after purging, everything should be ok.
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