Trying out PT3

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Trying out PT3

Postby Daynja » Sun Jan 27, 2008 2:57 am

I realize that many features are not present and will certainly be added, so I tried to not mention those. Everything was done with Poker Stars.

First thing, created 2 new databases, changed active, deleted old. All that worked, no problems at all. I was a little worried that these functions with postgresql would be slightly difficult, but it was surprisingly easy.

-Clicked begin auto import - freezes and doesn't respond if there is a large number of hands to be imported
-When entering tournement results, you have to click save after every players information
-got the windows "Send Error Report" error several times at various points. Couldn't reproduce, seemed random. Hasn't happened since the first half hour I was using it so maybe it won't happen again?
-MT SNG's don't show the correct number of total players (probably only showing players I played with) and it doesn't allow me to correct this
-When I tried auto importing a folder of about 50 old hand histories (some were from 2006) the general tab listed a negative number of hands:
It would take me a while to figure out what specific file is causing this, but when I stop/start the auto import (I'm not moving processed hands) the total number of hands changes each time. It doesn't look like it's importing duplicates though.

-double click in between columns to auto size (like excel) or maybe just do that automatically?
-bring back auto reading of tournement e-mails to determine places
-make it do an auto refresh after you enter tournement information or import new hands/tournements. Or have an option to do a refresh at an interval decided by the user
-ability to highlight tournement levels to only get blind level stats for that type of tournement (general tab)
-option to change order of columns
-the bottom two fields on the general tab for cash games show the same thing (the different limits) and then different stats for each limit. It seems like there should be a better way to do this. I know you probably do it this way because you can't fit 50 columns on one screen, but making one list makes more sense to me than having two lists that are really showing the same thing.
-I think CCPF stat is worth having on the general tab
-hands tab: have the hand listing area take focus first, instead of the starting/final hands drop down so you can just scroll through the hands without clicking there. I know it saves the focus after PT has been opened, but it resets to the drop down the next time you open PT.

I like the import from directory/sub-directories. Graph feature is nice, especially with the 3 lines. Maybe add the same type of 3 line graph, but by BB instead of $. The ridiculous number of filter options is really nice, especially if you're looking to work on a very specific part of the game.

I'll probably spend some more time trying to figure out which HH's PT3 doesn't like, but for now, this is my initial review. I can't wait to see the final product, especially with the integration of PAHUD.
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Re: Trying out PT3

Postby Josh » Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:25 am

If you had a crash during an import, that's most likely what caused the problem with the numbers. I would suggest purging the database and importing again.

Thanks for all the good suggestions. Most of them were already planned, and I will take the others into consideration.
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Re: Trying out PT3

Postby Daynja » Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:09 pm

I did some more testing with the negative hands thing. I separated the tournements and cash HH's and everything was fine until I imported the tournements. After I import the tournements (importing has finished) the number of 2/4 hands drops by a seemingly random number of hands. It takes a minute or two and pressing refresh you can watch the number go lower until it has dropped by a certain number, as if it is importing the hands, but the import tab shows that it is not importing any hands. If I stop/start the import of the same tournement hands (no new hands are imported) the number of 2/4 hands will drop by the same random number again.

Here is a screen shot that shows that the Player Summary shows the wrong number and the Player Statistics shows the correct number. These numbers are the same until I auto import the tournements.

I created a new database each time I tried testing this.

also, auto import goes significantly slower than manual import. I am getting around 200h/s with the manual import, but auto import looks more like 10h/s.
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Re: Trying out PT3

Postby Josh » Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:10 pm

I'm confused. Are you using just auto-import, or just manual-import or a combination of the two?
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Re: Trying out PT3

Postby ZeiZei » Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:23 pm

I hope it's okay to ask this here.

I tried to import .xml files from iPoker and noticed that it doesn't work. Will PT3 support .xml in the future? and if it will, when will it happen, still during beta?

Thanks already :)
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Re: Trying out PT3

Postby _dave_ » Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:27 pm

[quote="ZeiZei"qmc]I hope it's okay to ask this here.

I tried to import .xml files from iPoker and noticed that it doesn't work. Will PT3 support .xml in the future? and if it will, when will it happen, still during beta?

Thanks already :)[/quoteqmc]

For now, only PokerStars, Full Tilt and PartyGaming are supported.

IIRC other sites will come thick and fast once the core code is stabilized, I'd be pretty sure this will be during the beta. Await official confirmation tho :)
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Re: Trying out PT3

Postby Daynja » Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:33 pm

[quote="Josh"70u]I'm confused. Are you using just auto-import, or just manual-import or a combination of the two?[/quote70u]
For this specific problem I was only using auto import. I only tried it once or twice with manual import so I can't say for sure, but I think there were not any problems when I manually imported.
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Re: Trying out PT3

Postby Josh » Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:20 am

So it happens when you use 100% auto-import? Could you attach the hand history files in question to a support ticket so I can try to replicate this?
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Re: Trying out PT3

Postby Daynja » Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:40 pm

[quote="Josh"t63]So it happens when you use 100% auto-import? Could you attach the hand history files in question to a support ticket so I can try to replicate this?[/quotet63]
Sent it in. I hope I'm not crazy! ;)
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